This is the first line of the Law
What is I will do my best to be?
This is the first line in the Girl Scout Promise
What is On my honor I will try?
This was the very first Girl Scout cookie
What is a Sugar cookie?
This day and year when Girl Scouts started
Happy Birthday Girl Scouts!
What is March 12, 1912?
This is the first level of Girl Scouts
What are Daises?
This is the Girl Scout sign
What is 3 fingers up?
With the right hand with the thumb holding down the pinky
Next line... Make the world a better place...
What is Be a sister to every Girl Scout?
Who wrote the Girl Scout Law and Promise?
Who is Juliette Gordon Low?
This top selling Girl Scout cookie could help give you fresh breath
What is Thin Mints?
This date is Founders Day for Girl Scouts
Hint: Juliette Gordon Low's birthday
What is Oct. 31st?
This is the last level of Girl Scouts
What are Ambassadors?
This is the Girl Scout slogan
What is Do a good turn daily?
Next line... Respect authority...
What is Use resources wisely?
What sign do you use when saying the promise and the law?
What is 3 fingers up?
This cookie is chocolate covered and once was called Tagalongs
What is Peanut Butter Patties?
Juliette Gordon Low started Girl Scouts in her hometown of...
What is Savannah, Georgia?
How many levels are there in Girl Scouts?
What is 6?
This is the Girl Scout greeting
What is The Girl Scout handshake?
Shake hands with the left hand and making the Girl Scout sign with the right hand
Next line... Considerate and caring...
What is Courageous and strong?
Next line...To help people at all times and to...
What is Live by the Girl Scout Law?
This cookie was named for the traditional sign representing Girl Scouts everywhere
What is Trefoils?
This was the number of girls in the first Girl Scout troop
What is 18?
This marks a Girl Scout's official transition from one level to the next one
What is bridging ceremony?
This is the Girl Scout motto
What is Be Prepared?
Next line... And to...
What is Respect myself and others?
Finish the line...To serve my community/God and my...
What is Country?
How many flavors of Girl Scout cookies that we sell are vegan?
What is 5?
These small tokens of friendship that Girl Scouts give to one another are called
What are SWAPS?
Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere
This is the highest award achieved in Girl Scouts
What is the Gold Award?
This is a closing ceremony where Girl Scouts stand in a circle and squeeze hands to the left
What is the friendship circle?