the first Girl Scout Cookie
What is Sugar Cookie
name this pin
What is the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts pin?
Name our founder
Who was Juliette Gordon Low?
Number of Levels in Girl Scouting
What is the term to describe camping without running water and toilets?
1960 cost of cookies
What is 60 cents
You do this every 2 years
What is Bridge?
Date and place of first Girl Scout Troop meeting in the United States
what is March 12, 1912, Savannah, Georgia?
The number of Girl Scout Laws
Sheepshank, Half Hitch, Bowline, Square, Overhand
What types of Knots?
The year and place of the first Girl Scout Cookie sale
What is 1917 in Muskogee Oklahoma.
Name of one of the 3 Cadette Journeys
What are Amaze, Breathe, and Media
Juliette Lowes Birthday
What is October 31, 1860
The year the new Girl Scout Logo was released
Name 5 things you should always have in your travel pack
Snack, Matches, water, knife or multi-purpose tool, Whistle, space blanket, flashlight, toilet paper, rope or paracord
Name the 2 cookies that have been included in all cookie sales since 1936.
What are Thin Mints (mints) and Trefoil (shortbread)
Original Name for the Gold Award
What is the Golden Eaglet?
Juiette Low's Nickname
What is Daisy?
What is the Year of the Girl? Celebration of the 100th anniversary of scouting
*100 point Bonus for where celebrated*
4 Types of Campfire
What are Teepee, Lean-to, Star Fire, Log Cabin, Inverse, sideways,
Alternative to cookies 1944
what are Calendars
Name the type of badge that can be earned at every level except Daisy's.
What are Legacy Badges?
Disability Julliette Low struggled with
What is deafness?
What is the number of World Centers?
Flame Colors coolest to hottest
What are Dark red, bright red, orange, yellow, white (blue)?