What makes a relationship healthy?
Green Flag or Red Flag: Disagreeing with respect in relationships.
What are boundaries?
Scenario & Appropriate Response: your sibling frequently borrows your clothes and things without asking.
“I’m glad you like my clothes/things, but I need you to ask before taking them. It makes me uncomfortable when you don’t.” etc.
True or False: love means always putting the other person first.
What is one practice that builds trust in relationships?
Being honest and keeping commitments!
What are two examples of healthy communication or good communication skills?
True or False: it's selfish to set boundaries.
Scenario & Appropriate Response: your classmate keeps copying your homework and asking for answers.
“I can’t give you my answers, but I’m happy to help you understand the assignment.” etc.
True of False: taking time for self-care is essential in healthy relationships.
What makes a relationship unhealthy?
How does unhealthy communication skills, such as yelling, swearing, or belittling affect a relationship?
True or False: boundaries should only be set when someone crosses a line.
Scenario & Appropriate Response: an acquaintance keeps hugging you and putting their arm around you, even though you've mentioned before that you're uncomfortable with a lot of physical contact.
"I appreciate your affection, but I'm not comfortable with a lot of physical contact" etc.
Myth or Fact: setting boundaries can push people away.
Healthy or Unhealthy: your loved one has a friend who repeatedly pressures them to lend them money, even though your loved one feels uncomfortable with the request.
“I know you want to help your friend, but they’ve been pressuring you too much. It’s okay to say no.”
“Maybe your friend doesn’t realize they’re making you uncomfortable. It might help to have an honest conversation with them.”
True or False: if someone loves you, they will always know what you need.
What are two types boundary?
Scenario & Appropriate Response: an adult keeps making jokes and comments about a topic you find hurtful.
“I know you mean to be funny, but those jokes and comments are inappropriate/hurt me. Can you please stop?” etc.
Myth of Fact: jealousy is a sign of love.
What relationship(s) do you finding challenging to navigate?
What suggestions or advice can we give?
(bonus 100 point)
Give an example of an assertive-communication statement.
• “I feel upset when I’m interrupted. Please let me finish speaking.”
• “I need more time to complete this task.”
• “I’m uncomfortable with that joke. Please don’t repeat it.”
• “Can we talk about this later when I’m calmer?”
Why is it important to know your own boundaries?
Scenario & Appropriate Response: the person you're dating tries to pressure you into skipping a class to hang out.
“Skipping would stress me out. I'd rather relax and hang out after class” etc.
"I really want to hang out, but skipping class isn't something I'm comfortable with. Let's plan for another time" etc.
True or Fales: boundaries are only for romantic partners/relationships.