What can you catch but can’t throw?
What is a Cold?
Say the Russian Alphabet in Alphabetical Order
Аа Бб Вв Гг Дд Ее Ёё Жж Зз Ии Йй Кк Лл Мм Нн Оо Пп Рр Сс Тт Уу Фф Хх Цц Чч Шш Щщ Ъъ Ыы Ьь Ээ Юю Яя
What is the Church's Address?
What is 4913 Auburn Rd. NE Salem OR
"Every tongue in heaven and earth
Shall declare Your glory"
What is Ancient of Days?
How old did Methuselah (Oldest person in the bible) live too?
What is 969?
What appears once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
What is the letter M?
What is the Deepest Lake in Russia?
What is Lake Baikal
What is Volodya's phone number?
"He reigns from heaven above
With wisdom, power, and love "
What is Awesome God?
How much did Judas sell Jesus for?
What is 30 Silver Pieces?
What starts with T, ends with T, and has T inside it?
What is a teapot?
What is the most popular female Russian name
What is Anastasia?
How many leaders do we have in total across all worship teams?
What is 6 or 7 (Andrew, Katya D., Katya K., Elisha, Zorina, Alessia and whoever leads Russian service)
На высотах высот и глубинах морских
Видна Твоя слава в твореньях земных
What is Ты Чудесный Бог?
What are Jesus' last words?
What is “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit”
Идёт по соломе – не шуршит,
Идёт по воде – не тонет,
Идёт по огню – не горит.
What is Тень/Shadow?
What year did the Soviet Union collapse?
What is 1991?
When was SCCS founded?
What is 1990?
Имена Он всех спасённых в перекличке повторит;
Там, по милости Господней, буду я.
What is На небесной перекличке?
Who was the 13th Disciple?
What is Matthias?
В Полотняной стране
По реке Простыне
Плывет пароход
То назад, то вперед,
А за ним такая гладь —
Ни морщинки не видать.
What is Утюг/Iron?
Name 10 post Soviet Union countries
1. Russia, 2. Ukraine, 3. Belarus, 4. Uzbekistan, 5. Kazakhstan, 6. Georgia, 7. Azerbaijan, 8. Lithuania, 9. Moldavia, 10. Latvia, 11. Kyrgyzstan, 12. Tajikistan, 13. Armenia, 14. Turkmenistan, 15. Estonia
What is our most viewed youtube video across all of our church channels?
What is "SCCS: Птицы в небе, трава на лугу - всё это создано Тобою" Khmelev Cousin's Singing
"Расскажи Снегурочка где была
Расскажи-ка милая как дела
За тобой я бегала Дед Мороз
Пролила немало я горьких слез"
What is Ну погоди! - А ну-ка, давай-ка, плясать выходи!
What kind of wood did Noah build the ark out of?
What is Gopher Wood?