What does self esteem mean?
How you feel about yourself
What is bullying?
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among each other that involves a real or perceived power imbalance (Ex: teasing, leaving someone out on purpose, tripping, spreading rumors, etc)
How do you become a good friend?
Always be honest and open with your friend so that he/she has no reason not to trust you. Talk through problems with your friend and come to a resolution so that you can continue to trust him/her. Share your feelings and dreams with your friend.
List 3 ways social media can be good
communication, share pictures, talk to our friends, facetime, etc
What does labeling others mean?
when we put someone into a category (popular, nerds, shy, etc)
Do girls usually have high or low self esteem?
Can friends be bullies sometimes?
How do we avoid drama with our friends?
ignore it, talk it out, stay out of it, be kind, don't gossip (any of the above)
List 3 ways social media can be harmful
catfishing, self-esteem, manipulation, etc
What is one thing you can do to show kindness?
Say thank you, hi to someone, clean your room, etc
What is negative self talk?
When we say negative things to ourselves in our head
what can you do if you see someone being bullied at school?
tell an adult, tell them to stop, stand up for victim of bullying
What do you do if you get caught in the middle of 2 friends fighting?
stay out of it (be friends with both) or help them work it out
True or False: Its easy to remove things from the internet if someone doesn't like it
What are 3 things you like about yourself?
Kind, hardworking, and good listener
Tell each girl in the group one positive thing about them
You are beautiful, smart, kind, fun, and a good listener, etc
Tell about a time you did something to stand up for someone
Great job!!
list 3 ways to solve friendship problems
communication, don't get involved, be kind to one another
What is catfishing?
When someone pretends to be someone they arent
What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
A palm