Women in STEM!
Coding Concepts
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Random (NOT CS!)

This woman is the Clements Girls in Computing Sponsor.

Who is Mrs. Lorena?


This is a named space in memory where a program can store and retrieve data, such as numbers or text.

What is a variable?


This basic unit of data in computing is represented as either a 0 or a 1.

What is a bit?


An annual coding competition GiC girls can attend to compete against other girls in Texas, win prizes, and experience a fun overnight trip! 

What is Digital Divas?


This British musician was the first to have a music video reach over a billion views on YouTube, thanks to his hit song 'Shape of You.

Who is Ed Sheeran?


This woman worked at NASA and made critical calculations that contributed to the success of the first U.S. manned spaceflights.

Who is Katherine Johnson?


In many programming languages, this is the data structure used to store multiple values in a single variable, accessed by their index.

What is an array?


This software, also known as an OS, manages hardware resources and provides services for application software. Examples include Windows, macOS, and Linux.

What is an operating system?


An annual Girls in Computing event held at Clements where girls explore different computer science topics.

What is Hack Day?


This tech billionaire is known for his ambitious plans to colonize Mars and for naming his child X Æ A-12.

Who is Elon Musk?


This woman is known as the first computer programmer for her work on Charles Babbage's early mechanical computer.

Who is Ada Lovelace?


This concept in object-oriented programming allows a new class to inherit properties and methods from an existing class.

What is inheritance?


This type of cable is commonly used to connect a computer to a monitor and transmits video and audio signals.

What is an HDMI cable?


The new branch that Girls in Computing is implementing this year!

What is the mentorship branch?


This literary figure, known for his dark and macabre tales, wrote the poem that begins, 'Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary.'

Who is Edgar Allan Poe?


This woman is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Facebook (now Meta), and known for her advocacy of women in leadership.

Who is Sheryl Sandberg?


This coding technique involves a function calling itself to solve a smaller instance of the same problem, often used in algorithms like quicksort or calculating factorials.

What is recursion?


This process involves identifying and fixing errors or bugs in a computer program to ensure that it runs correctly.

What is debugging?


An annual computer science scholarship competition for high school girls interested in tech.

What is NCWIT?


This astrophysical phenomenon, predicted by general relativity, occurs when a massive star collapses under its own gravity, forming a singularity.

What is a black hole?


This woman developed the first compiler for a computer programming language. The world's largest tech conference for women is named after her.

Who is Grace Hopper?


This algorithm is often used in computer graphics to determine the area connected to a given node in a multi-dimensional array, commonly used in paint programs.

What is flood fill?


This type of memory is used to temporarily store data that is currently being used by the CPU, allowing for faster access than from the hard drive.

What is RAM (Random Access Memory)?


The date for our next general meeting, where we will cover NCWIT.

What is October 2?


This vegetable, often roasted or steamed, was controversially declared the most disliked vegetable in the U.S. in a 2019 survey.

What is brussels sprouts?
