What is Coach Zagula’s favorite color?
Who holds the men’s world record for the 100 meters sprint?
Usain Bolt.
Who wrote the “Harry Potter” books?
who is JK Rowling.
Name all 4 4x400 runners that placed at the last meet.
Nahla, Delaney, Vivi, Precious
Where else in the school does coach Karen work?
In which Olympic event would you find the “Fosbury Flop” technique used?
High Jump.
What is the name of the actor that plays Iron Man?
Robert Downey Jr.
We have attended 4 meets so far this season, name the locations of all of them.
Wheeling, Lakes, Proviso West, Buffalo Grove
Which 2 out of the 4 coaches compete in triathlon?
Coach Zagula and Samano.
In which country were the first modern Olympic Games held?
What is the longest running animated tv show in the United States?
The Simpsons.
How many freshman do we have on the team?
What past school did Coach Kloss work at?
Grayslake North high school.
What is the minimum number of laps completed in the 10,000 meters race?
Which Netflix dating reality TV show features people falling in love without actually seeing one another at first?
Love Is Blind.
Name 5 of your other teammates that are in Band.
-teammates confirm-
Brenda, Ahtziry, Karen, Leah
In which year was pole vaulting introduced for women at the Olympic Games?
How many Star Wars movies are there (not including spin-offs like Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Solo)?
There were 3 athletes named “mustang of the meet” from the last meet, name them.
Vane, Yarel, and Samantha