What city was Tamia born in?
What nickname does Macaela's dad and brother call her?
What is one of Clare's bored/anxious habits? (I will accept two answers).
Peeling the skin off her fingers or twirling/playing with her hair.
What is the hobby that Clare has most recently rediscovered and picked up?
What grade was Layla in when she was suspended and what was it for?
8th grade and for smoking on the bus.
How many siblings does Layla have, including siblings from her biological father? (+ or - 1).
How many tattoos does Clare have and what are they?
4 tattoos: otters, moon, dandelion, sailboat.
What two items does Tamia most commonly lose?
Vape and keys.
What are three of Layla's favorite hobbies?
Will except any of the following: Yoga, making jewelry, journaling, hiking, riding her bike, or making tik toks.
What does Clare like to collect/her favorite gift to receive?
Tiny boxes.
What was the name of Clare's mother's boyfriend before she married Dong?
Who was Clare's celebrity crush? (I will accept 3 answers).
Ewan McGregor, Zac Efron, or Niall Horan.
What product does Macaela slather on her lips every night?
What is Layla's favorite hike?
Yellow Aster Butte
What is Tamia's irrational fear?
What are the 3 different animals Macaela raised during her time in FFA and 4H?
Steer, pigs, and goats.
What fruit is Tamia allergic to?
What fidget does Layla do when she is anxious?
Play with her rings or rub her fingers.
What is Tamia and Baxter's favorite lake in Bellingham?
Lake Padden.
What was Macaela's minor in college?
Environmental Policy.
Winning what competition as a child landed Tamia in the newspaper?
Cooking competition.
What is Layla's favorite class she has ever taken?
When Clare was very young, when someone told her "No" or got upset with her what would she do?
Throw up/gag.
What is Macaela's favorite book series?
Thrown of Glass
What are 2 of Macaela's bucket list items?
Lots of answers will be accepted.