If you are dehydrated what is the best thing to do?
Drink lots of fluids with a low sodium count and stay cool.
What are the best ways to avoid obesity? Name three
Eat healthy, exercise, measure your food intake, watch your weight
You are hungry. Should you have celery or pringles for a snack?
You should have celery.
How can you prevent getting dehydrated? List 2 ways.
#1Drink lots of water
#2 eat things that are low in sodium
#3 Stay cool: wear light colored clothing or thin clothing, bring at least one water bottle, etc.
What is the definition of obesity?
Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.
Why is orange juice better than water for you in the morning ?
Orange juice has more vitamins.
How far in advance should you eat before a game?
At least an hour before the event
Is obesity hereditary?
No, but you are likely to be overweight if the person who feeds you/involves you in your sports, etc. is overweight.
If a food has more ingredients is it good for you or bad?
Should you drink water or an energy drink before sports?
You should drink water before and during a sport, but after a game sports drinks are better to hydrate.
Is diabetes always caused by obesity?
No, but type two diabetes is caused by obesity 99% of the time.
Is a diet better than exercise if you are trying to burn calories ?
No. Exercise is the most natural way to lose weight.
Should you have protein or carbohydrates/complex sugars before a game?
Carbohydrates/complex sugars; protein afterwards.
Is childhood obesity worse than adult obesity?
Yes, because it is harder to stay at the right weight if you were overweight when you were growing up.
Can your skin turn orange if you eat a lot of carrots?
yes, Michael Jackson was on a carrot diet and his skin turned slightly orange tinted!