This GirlUp value is all about how you treat yourself and others
This rule is also one of the GirlUp values. An example of following this rule is being quiet during circle time when someone else has the talking piece.
Be respectful
You are allowed to get ice from the ice machine as long as you ask Miss Frankie first
when a volunteer walks in the room
Greet them, introduce yourself
This staff member is an OG GirlUp girl
Miss Lajadia
This value is all about getting to know others and forming relationships
Name 2 behaviors that might result in Miss Frankie stealing cookies from the cookie jar
Not listening or following instructions, leaving a mess behind, talking during homework time, being disruptive during circle time...
The first thing you should do when you arrive is sign in on the ipad.
if you see a mess on the floor that is not yours
Clean it up!
This staff member is also a basketball coach
Mrs. Chelsea
This value involves setting goals and striving to achieve them!
What three things must you do at the beginning of homework time?
Pull up backpack, pull up google classroom, update your assignment tracker.
If you do not have any homework, you can talk to your friends as long as you do so quietly.
when Miss Frankie or Mrs. Chelsea is making an announcement (4 things)
Stop what you are doing, stop talking, look at them, and listen
This staff member was once an intern at GirlUp
Miss Frankie
This value involves setting a good example for others to follow
This rule involves asking questions when we are on a field trip, displaying appropriate body language when someone is presenting, and participating in activities with an open mind.
Be engaging
It is okay to fight and gossip at school, just don't do it at GirlUp.
If you don't have any homework
work on your smart goal or find something quiet to do at your desk
This staff member is the founder of GirlUp
Mrs. Kim
Define "value" and explain what the 4 GirlUp values are
Value: a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life.
Respect, Aspire, Connect, Lead
Give 3 reasons why it is important to be engaged and participate in activities.
You are expected to participate in an activity, even if you don't feel like doing it.
after you sign-in (4 things)
put your phone in the phonebox, use the restroom, grab your water bottle, stay in the gym until snack
This new staff member is responsible for fundraising and community outreach
Mrs. Kalin