Be Respectful, Responsible, Safe and ALWAYS do your best!
What are the school rules?
Cougar Pride Tickets
What is the name of our Reward System Tickets
Stop and Think
What students get for a level 2 or minor offense
What is level 3 behavior
HUG program
What is the intervention where students check in with Christina or Cheryl (Hello Update Goodbye)
3 students per classroom WEEKLY
What is the number of pride tickets that are selected each week from classroom tickets?
Require a parent signature
What is a stop and think or a referral?
Student making noises Students wandering Out of assigned areas
What is level 1 behavior
Are intended to CHANGE behaviors, not to punish our students.
What are behavior interventions supposed to accomplish?
Put downs Play wrestling Repeated talk outs
What are level 2 behaviors
Principal letter home Line leader Sit in the teacher's chair Lunch in the classroom Game time with the counselor/teacher/friends
What are some rewards that can be tied to behavior interventions?
Discuss concerns with PBS team members, Perla, Christina or Cheryl
What can staff do if they do not agree with the consequences students were given?
Should be used as a LAST resort after several interventions don't change behaviors
When should a REFERRAL be used?