Caring is..
Holding the door open for someone is an example of?
Kind hands and kind..
When you invite someone to join your game, you are showing this
If a classmate drops their books, you can do this to be helpful.
This is when you give your time to help others without expecting anything in return.
(For example, taking out the trash, cleaning up someone else's mess, using extra time you have to help someone else..)
If you see someone sitting alone at lunch, you can do this to brighten their day
Sit with them
Where do you stop when walking in the hallways?
Stop signs
If you accidentally bump into someone, you should say this.
Im sorry
When the teacher asks a question, you should do this before speaking
Raise your hand
You can donate these from your closet to help people who need warm clothing.
Writing one of these to a friend can make them feel special.
A thank you note/note in general/drawing
School logo?
When someone is speaking, it is kind to do this instead of interrupting.
This person helps keep the school clean, and we should thank them for their hard work.
What is one way to show you care?
Giving a gift
This is something you can give for free, but still make others feel good.
Every Friday this is given out to those who need a little extra.
Backpack club/Food bags
When you say these two words after someone helps you, you show kindness.
Thank you
A way to be a good friend on the playground is to ___ others
This part of your body can be donated to help save someone's life
Blood donation
When you give something but don't expect anything in return, its called..
Who helps keep rules implemented in Del El. (2)
Showing someone they are ____ is an act of kindness
Picking up ___ outside is an act of kindness