The throttle setting to capture 60kts
What is 2200 RPM
A power-on stall is meant to simulate this phase of flight.
What is takeoff?
This is the phrase to call on a go-around.
What is "on the go"?
This is the target airspeed for slow flight flaps landing.
What is 42kt?
This is the airspace above FL180.
What is Class A Airspace?
Downwind displacement on a KPUB traffic pattern
What is 0.64 nm
This is the call to make to Tiger Traffic when leaving an area direct to Pueblo.
Tiger XX, Area XX, inbound.
This is the allowable range for airspeed on a base turn for a normal base turn.
What is 60kt +10 -0 kt?
This is generally the CORE radius of a class C airspace.
Where you start a break at KPUB.
What is within the first 2000' of the approach end of the runway?
This is the recovery point for a power-off stall.
What is buffeting?
This is the call to Denver Departure when leaving Pueblo.
This is the throttle setting (RPM) for level flight at 90 kts.
This clearance is required for entry into Class D airspace.
What is two-way radio contact?
The amount of feet you should descend in a downwind leg before a no-flaps landing.
What is 300'?
The required callout after recovering a stall.
What is "altimeter, VSI check"?
These are the 2 radio calls and frequencies made as part of SA2+2 leaving an inner tier area directly to KPUB.
Tiger Traffic: "Tiger XX, Area XX, Inbound."
Denver Approach: “Denver Approach, Tiger XX, Area X, 6500, information XX.”
These are the 4 places where the speed limit is 200 kt.
Under Class B, within 4 nm of primary airport in class C or D, within 4 nm of Victor Airways.
This is the equipment required to enter Class B airspace.
What are two-way radio, transponder with Mode C, and ADS-b?
The number of required callouts in a normal traffic pattern.
What are 4 callouts?
What is 10 degrees?
These 4 points are called on CTAF at public-use, non-towered airports.
What are crosswind (closed), downwind, base, final?
2500 RPM will generally keep this speed in SLUF.
What is 100 kts?
This is the equipment required to operate in Class C airspace.