What is an intensifer
Builds the skins natural melanin
What is Blue tansy
Active ingredient that cancels out orange tones
What does Hyaluronic acid do
Hydrates the skin, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and anti aging
Why does your skin need to be PH balanced
To lessen the change of pulling Orange huges
Steps to PTIOD
Skin wellness, RL, UV, Spray
What is DHA
If a client turns red when tanning should they get a natural bronzer or intensifer
Natural bronzer
When does your skin best absorb red light therapy
When it is PH balanced
When should you start using shower cleanser when spray tanning
After first rinse
What order should you do these services.
bed tan
red light
skin wellness
SW, RL, Tan
What is a natural bronzer
Lighter bronzer. Often made with carmle or walnut extracts
When should you use your tan extender
After tanning, after shower, morning , night
What does apple cider vinegar do
Unclogs blocked pores & kills bacteria on skin
When should you exfoliate before a spray tan
What is UVB
Building Rays
What is a cosmetic bronzer
What is the best kind of lotions to use when spray tanning
What does cinnamon Extract do
Breaks down fat cells, detoxes, reduces the appearance of cellulite
What does watermelon extract do
improves apreance of skin and reduce redness
What is UVA
Bronzing Rays
What is tyrosine
Breaks down the spf of your skin quicker, increases melanin, boost mood
What is Kollaren
skin repairing and collagen producing peptides
What does foreslean do
Helps the skin appear tighter and toned
What does SOAP mean
Sulfates, oils, alcohol, & Parabens
What setting allows you to get equal parts UVA & UVB in beds 2&13