Motives of Imperialism (Peer)
Imperialism in Africa
Imperialism in India
Imperialism in China
Imperialism in Japan and Nationalism

 During the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans improved roads and bridges and built railroads in their colonies primarily to

  1. Provide jobs for the colonies

  2. Obtain raw materials needed for industrialization

  3. Impress the colonists with their technological knowledge

  4. Help missionaries spread Christianity 

Obtain raw materials needed for industrialization

Europeans wanted colonies in Africa mainly because it had a lot of _________________________ such as copper, tin, diamonds, and gold.
What is Natural Resources

 The Sepoy Rebellion was caused by

  1. Food shortages

  2. British insensitivity to Indian customs

  3. A tax increase

  4. A reduction in the salary of sepoys

British insensitivity to Indian customs

These wars were started by the Chinese to stop the English importation of a highly addictive drug into China
What is the Opium Wars
This is the name of the Treaty that Japan signed to begin trading with the United States
Treaty of Kanagawa
Land = Power, the desire for a country to increase the size of their empire
What is political motive
This African tribe fought bravely against European imperialists in South Africa but eventually lost
Who are the Zulu
This was England's nickname for their colony of India
What is the "Jewel in the Crown"
This was a Chinese rebellion in which the Chinese people tried to rid China of foreign influences.
What is the Boxer Rebellion

 The arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry in Japan in 1853 signaled the end of Japanese

  1. Cultural contacts with the west

  2. Policies of isolationism

  3. Militarism in Southeast Asia

  4. Trade relations with the United States

Policies of isolationism


This is the idea that it is the duty of the white man to civilize the uncivilized black man. Has Racism and Social Darwinism

White Man's Burden

This meeting of 14 countries laid down the rules for dividing Africa
What is the Berlin Conference
Explain why the Sepoy Mutiny occurred.
What is The British gave them gun cartridges sealed with beef and pork fat. It was against Hinduism and Islam to consume beef and pork.
This was a policy that stated China should be open to all nations that wish to trade with them (regardless of what the Chinese people wanted)
What is the Open Door Policy

 In an attempt to modernize Japan during the late 1800s, the leaders of the Meiji government decided to

  1. End the political power of the Buddhists

  2. Establish close relations with China

  3. Study western institutions and technology

  4. Maintain a policy of isolation

Study western institutions and technology

Industrialized nations need natural resources to fuel their factories and markets to sell their goods
What is economic motive

 Which statement about European partitioning of Africa in the 1800s is most accurate?

  1. Europeans drew colonial borders based on African tribal boundaries

  2. The African continent was divided equally among European powers

  3. African cultural traditions and ethnic rivalries were often ignored by colonial governments

  4. European control did much to improve the economies of most tribal groups

African cultural traditions and ethnic rivalries were often ignored by colonial governments

This company controlled India and even had it's own army
What is the British East India Trading Company
These are areas in which a foreign nation controlled trade and investment
What are Spheres of Influence
The reign of emperor Mutsuhito is known as the _______ Era when Japan became modernized.
What is the Meiji Era or the Meiji Restoration.
The desire to use missionaries to spread Christianity
What is religious motive
What are some of the negative effects of imperialism in Africa
What are loss of traditional culture, exploitation of natural resources and African people

This was the result of the Sepoy Mutiny

What is India became under control of the English government.

What is extraterritoriality or extraterritorial rights?
What is Europeans in a foreign nation were not subject to that nation's laws
This was the "friendly" American who is responsible for talking Japan into opening it's doors to trade with Western countries
Who is Commodore Matthew Perry.