
What was a cause of World War 1?

-Militarism- Countries in Europe (especially Germany and Britain) built up their armies and their supply of weapons in the late 1800s.

-Alliances- Countries in Europe divided themselves into two military alliances (the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente) in order to prepare for war. This alliance system increased tension in Europe.

-Imperialism- Countries in Europe competed with each other to take over lands in Africa, Asia, and the Balkans (Southeastern Europe). This competition increased tension.

-Nationalism- Ethnic groups in the Balkans (Southeastern Europe) wanted to gain independence (self-government) from Austria-Hungary and they were willing to fight for it.

-World War I started when Archduke Ferdinand (the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary) was assassinated by Slavic nationalists in the Balkans.



How were Hilter and Mussolini able to come to power?

-Germany and Italy were facing severe economic problems such as inflation and unemployment, the people of Germany and Italy believed Hitler and Mussolini could solve these problems


What is the Laissez Faire Capitalism (Market Economy)?

-Businesses and factories should be owned by individuals 

-Business decisions should be made by Individuals 

-Prices should be set by individuals based on supply and demand

-The government should not interfere with the economy


What was a key cause of the Latin American Revolutions (1800-1830)?

-The government were controlled by Peninsulares who treated the Lation Americans poorly

-Creoles, Mestizos, Native Americans, and African slaves demanded more rights

-The ideas of the enlightenment inspired the Latin Americans to fight for independance and overthrow unfair governments

-The American and French Revolution inspired Latin Americans to fight for independance and overthrow unfair governments

What is Zionism?

The name for the nationalist movement of Jews


What was the Opium war?

between Britain and China over the sale of opium (Ended Chinese Isolation)


Who is the famous Nationalist leader of India?

Who is Mohandas Ghandi?


What is a command economy?

an economic system where the government owns businesses, makes business decisions, and sets prices.


What were the results of the French Revolution (1789-1815)?

-King Louis XVI of France was executed by Ropespierre and the Jacobs

-The Middle class of France Gained more power and rights


Why did the people of Ireland want independance from the British?

-The potato famine (About 1 million Irish people died of famine when the potato crop failed to grow, Over 1 million Irish people migrated to the United States to escape the famine and find more opportunities)

-They wanted to self-govern


What started World War II?

-Invasion of Poland -> Poland was quickly defeated by Germany because Poland lacks natural boundaries

-Pearl Harbor -> Japan launched a surprise attack against the United States


Who was an important philosopher of the Enlightenment?

Who is John Locke (He believed that all people have natural rights and the right to overthrow governments that fail to protect these rights)?

Who is Baron de Montesquieu (he believed that power in government should be divided into three branches so that there is a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances)?

Who is Voltaire (He believed that everyone is entitled to freedom of speech and freedom of religion)?

Who is Rousseau (He believed that society is a social contract)?


What type of government did Vietnam as a result of the cold war? 

communist government


What limited the power of the English King during the English Revolution (1689)?

What is the Magna Carta?

What is the Petition of Rights?

What is the English Bill of Rights?

What is the Habeas Corpus?


How did Napolean gain support?

He expanded French territory by conquering neighboring lands in Europe. By doing so, he made French people feel nationalism.


What offically ended World War II?

Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki -> The U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and Japan surrendered soon after.


Who was a key scientists of the Scientific Revolution?

Who is Copernicus (Astronomer who developed the Heliocentric Theory- The idea that the planets revolve around the sun)?

Who is Galileo Galilei (Astronomer who proved that Copernicus was correct. He was put on trial by the Catholic Church because his ideas contradicted its teachings)?

Who is Sir Isaac Newton (Mathematician and astronomer who developed calculus and the theory of gravity)?

Who is Johannes Kepler (Astronomer who helped discover how planets move)?

Who is Descartes (Mathematician, scientist, and philosopher)?


How was Germany divided during the Cold War?

West Germany became a democratic nation. 

East Germany became a communist nation controlled by the Soviet Union.


What was a result of the Industrial Revolution (1700s-1800s)?



-Bad working conditions

-Formation of Labor Unions



Who was Nelson Mandela?

-Black South African nationalist leader who fought against Apartheid.

-He was imprisoned for 27 years by the white South African government.

-Nelson Mandela became the first black president of South Africa after apartheid officially ended in 1990.


What was the Treaty of Versailles?

Germany was forced to accept blame for causing World War I, pay 30 billion dollars in war reparations, reduce the size of its military, and give up some of its lands.


Who was an absolute monarch (1600s-1700s)?

Who is Peter the Great (He was the absolute monarch of Russia, westernized Russia)?

Who is Louis XIV (He was the absolute monarch of France)?

Who is Philip II (He was the absolute monarch of Spain)?

Who is Henry VIII (He was the absolute monarch of England)?

Who is Suleiman the Magnificent (He was the absolute monarch of the Ottoman Empire)?


What are 5 traits of totalitarian governments?


2.one political party

3.people were expected to put the needs of the state before their own needs

4. eliminated opposition using secret police force



What was a reason for the Russian Revolution (1917)?

-People of Russia were unhappy with their government

-Word War 1: Russia suffered many casualities in the war, it also created food shortages at home

-Czar Nicholas II: The ruler of Russia at the time, people thought he abused his power as he denied the rights of the people


What was the nationalist movement in Turkey?

-After World War I the Ottoman Empire was broken apart and Turkey was all that remained

-Kemal Ataturk was the first president of Turkey, He was a nationalist because he made changes in order to strengthen Turkey

-Kemal Westernized Turkey, established a democracy

-Kemal eliminated Islamic laws and created non-religous laws
