Neolithic Revolution

This is considered the primary reason for the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution.

What is groups of people clustered near rivers for agriculture?


The river associated with the river valley in which the Egyptian civilization emerged

What is the Nile River?


The river associated with the civilization that emerged in ancient India

What is the Indus River?


The rivers (2) that are associated with the Ancient Chinese civilization

What are the Yellow (Huang He) and Yangtze rivers?


The rivers (2) that are associated with Mesopotamia 

What are the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? 


The Neolithic Revolution could be best defined as: 

The period of time where human beings began to use their environment, river valleys, to settle in one location and begin to use agriculture as their source of food. 

The climate of Ancient Egypt (Describe weather, soil type, geographic landmarks)

What is a hot, dry, desert climate, with sandy soil? Landmarks- Nile Delta


The climate of Indus River Valley civilization (Describe weather, soil type, geographic landmarks)

What is a hot, dry, desert climate, sandy soil?

Landmarks: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro


The climate of Ancient China (Describe weather, soil type, geographic landmarks)

What is a wet, warm, forest/desert climate with lots of rainfall? Landmarks: Great Wall of China, Gobi Desert


The climate of Ancient Mesopotamia (Describe weather, soil type, geographic landmarks)

What is a hot, wet, desert climate with lots of rainfall? Landmarks: Babylon 


During the Neolithic Revolution, stone, wood, animal bones, horns, and tendons were used to make these, considered essential for the new lifestyle of farming and hunting. 

What are tools/weapons?

The Nile does this two to three times a year at the same time, making its flooding: 

What is predictable? 


The Indus Valley had these certain geographic features (2) that served as natural barriers against invasion from other civilizations.

What are mountains and deserts?


So sad! This river gained the nickname "China's Sorrow" or the "River of Sorrows" for its destructive and unpredictable flooding. 

What is the Yellow River/Huang He? 


If Eric Adams was instead the KING of New York instead of the Mayor of New York, and NYC had its own laws specific to NYC and ruler, just like in Mesopotamia, what would New York be? (Term, not name) 

What is a city-state? 


This is how the geographic location of River Valley Civilizations, nearby rivers, primarily affected their development in the Neolithic Revolution.

What is provided an appropriate climate for farming?


Heiroglyphics. Mathematics. Preventative medicine. Irrigation. Great Pyramids of Giza. Abu Simbel, are all examples of. 

What are technological advancements of Ancient Egypt? 

The undeciphered Indus Script. Cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro built on a precise grid. Sewage systems and water management. 

What are technological advancements of the Indus Valley Civilization?


This is the name of the term given to Chinese Emperors who were considered sons of gods and have been given divine permission to rule China.

What is the Mandate of Heaven? 


The wheel, cuneiform writing, use of bronze tools, irrigation are all examples of: 

What is technological advancements of Mesopotamia?

Name the rivers of all 4 River Valley Civilizations (7 total)

What are....India- Indus, Egypt- Nile, Mesopotamia- Tigris and Euphrates, China- Yellow (Huang He) and Yangtze. 


The Ancient Egyptians followed a system in which the Pharaoh was the most important figure, followed by the priests having importance for working with the gods, government officials like scribes came next, with farmers and merchants seen as the lowest class, described as: ? 

What is a social hierarchy?


What did you just say? This is the major reason that many historians can not analyze major parts of the Indus Valley Civilization such as their government structure, religious beliefs, and trade relationships. 

What is the inability for the Indus Script to be deciphered into any language?


On the road again! This textile (fabric) was the hot item of the ancient world, as it was in demand in all four River Valley Civilizations; even nicknaming a famous trade route that stretched from China to Egypt and beyond!

What is silk?  


This tale is epic! The Epic of Who is one of the first fictional stories, written in and on cuneiform tablets, and features a heroic king, his best friend, an evil giant named Humbaba, and the Mesopotamian goddess of magic, Ishtar. 

What is the Epic of Gilgamesh? 
