Cold War
Cold War 2
Wild Card
Communist China
The British officials partitioned India into India and Pakistan for this reason.
What is the British believed that partition would be the only way to ensure a safe and secure region?
This was the name for formally independent countries that were under heavy political and economic influence or control by the Soviet Union.
What is Satellite Nations?
These were the two major military alliances facing off against each other in Europe.
What is NATO and the Warsaw Pact?
These were large collective farms where peasants worked the land together. The peasants had no incentive to work hard when only the state profited from their labor.
What are communes?
He was the communist leader of China during the Cold War.
Who is Mao Zedong?
A South African policy of complete legal separation of the races, including the banning of all social contacts between blacks and whites.
What is apartheid?
This was held to discuss post war Europe. It resulted in Germany being temporarily divided among four countries.
What is the Yalta Conference?
The boundary separating the Communist nations of Eastern Europe from the mostly democratic nations of Western Europe.
What is the Berlin Wall?
This is the term for the percentage of internet users in a specific country.
What is the internet penetration?
These were teenage militia units, used to enforce the views of the communist party in China.
Who are the Red Guards?
This prompted many African nations to seek freedom.
What is: After WWII African soldiers' experience made them unwilling to accept colonial domination? OR WWII had changed the thinking of Europeans - many began to question the cost, and morality, of maintaining colonies abroad?
This was the American Policy that called for the US to resist Soviet attempts to form communist governments around the world.
What is containment?
This was a meeting between the leaders of the USA, Britain, and the Soviet Union. At this meeting they agreed to divide Germany into zones of occupation, Stalin agreed to join the war against Japan, and he promised Eastern Europeans would have free elections.
What is the Potsdam conference?
This is the term for a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.
What is a refugee?
The goal of this event was to establish a society of peasants and workers in which all were equal but the result was the execution or imprisonment of anyone who resisted the regime.
What is the Cultural Revolution?
The creation of the boarders in Africa led to civil and economic strife after independence due to this reason.
What is national borders separated people with similar cultures and enclosed traditional enemies who began fighting each other?
This was the initiative for the US to support economic recovery of Western Europe after WWII.
What is the Marshall Plan?
Brinkmanship was shown most in this Cold War event.
What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?
In this attack the Germans invaded through the Ardennes Forest, between the Maginot Line, in order to trick the Allied Army and take the entire country in 6 weeks.
What is the Fall of France?
Democratic protests, which took place here, resulted in the Chinese government killing hundreds of innocent peaceful protesters.
Where is Tiananmen Square?
This is the land Israel gained from the wars against its Arab neighbors.
What is Israel gained control of the old city of Jerusalem, the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, and the West Bank?
This man replaced Stalin after his death. Began a policy of destalinization, or purging the country of Stalin’s memory.
Who is Khrushchev?
He led Cuban Revolution but eventually turned into a cruel dictator.
Who is Fidel Castro?
This is the coastal town where the Allied forces were rescued after the invasion of France.
What is Dunkirk?
This was an economic and social campaign by the Communist Party of China led by Mao Zedong. The goal was collectivization of agriculture, but end in the Great Chinese Famine.
What is the Great Leap Forward?