back to the drawing board
When an attempt fails and it's time to start all over.
on board
to agree with something
Get up to speed
need to quickly get up to date with what’s been happening
def: Get everyone on the same page and preface it with a quick
example: LBH, the talking baby chat bot feature is a stupid idea.
Let’s Be Honest
ball park figure
rough estimate
burnt out
ill or very tired from working too hard
I see your point
This expression is used to agree with someone, but also to raise a counterpoint
ex: you’re getting FOMO about missing happy hour with the team tonight.
Fear of Missing Out
by the book
formally, or according to the rules
Circle back
to come back to it again or discuss later
Win-win situation
A win-win situation is one where both parties involved come out ahead or benefit in some way.
ex: When you’re late and your coworker messages you on the sly saying the boss is on a rampage, text back OMW and book it over there
On My Way
get down to business
to get serious about a task
bottom line
the most important thing
On the same page
if you’re on the same page, it means you agree with or understand someone.
ex: Don’t let your co-worker ghost on your request for feedback. End with an LMK so they know you want to hear from them.
Let Me Know
out of the loop
Not informed; outside the circuit of news or information.
the elimination of a significant number of employees from an organization
Up in the air
If something is up in the air, it means it’s undecided or unsettled
def: A friendlier way to say goodbye with a promise to talk again in the future
Talk To You Soon.