What are the first two steps of a conference?
Roll Call and Speaker's List (Where you give your opening speeches)
Tell me one thing you've learned about each of your countries so far.
Answers will vary.
What is a citation?
A reference to give credit to where you found information
A quotation from or reference to a book, paper, or author, especially in a scholarly work.
When and where is our Mock Conference?
Tuesday, December 10th
Aula Magna II
What is the United Nations?
An international diplomatic and political organization dedicated to worldwide peace and stability
What is a motion? How do you make one?
A motion is a formal proposal made by delegates to direct debate in a certain direction.
“Honorable Chair, [COUNTRY] moves to [ACTION] with [LENGTH/TIME].”
What committee are we in? (full name!)
United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
Typically, which url endings are more likely to be a reliable source?
What happens if you are one of the Top 5 delegations at the Mock Conference?
The top 5 delegations will represent IES Juan Ramon Jimenez at a Madrid-wide conference on January 30th.
They will miss a full day of school and work closely with Kyra for a month :)
What are the only 2 countries NOT in the UN?
Palestine and the Vatican City
What is a yield?
When you have extra time, you can yield it to
- The Chair
- To questions (Points of Information)
- To another delegation
What is the topic of our committee?
Threats to Freedom: Totalitarianism, Censorship, Drugs, and Illiteracy
What is paraphrasing? Does it require a citation?
Rewording something in your own words. You still have to cite the source when you paraphrase!
What are you graded on in the Mock Conference?
Your overall performance is your speaking grade in English! You have a lot of control over this with your Opening Speech, because this is the only time everyone is required to speak. You will also be assessed on effort, collaboration, and diplomacy.
Who are the members of the dais and what are their roles?
Chair: Oversees and runs the conference, as well as keeps track of time
Director: Guides delegates through resolutions
Rapporteur: Calls roll, keeps track of speakers, and tallies votes
Evaluator/Staff: Evaluates delegates, submits final evaluations, and supports dais
What is the difference between a moderated caucus and an unmoderated caucus?
Moderated Caucus: Semi-formal debate, stay in place, raise placards to speak, speaking times
Unmoderated caucus: informal debate, move around the room, speak to anyone, WORK ON RESOLUTIONS
Based on our committee, how will we address the topic?
What is plagiarism?
Taking someone else’s work or ideas & presenting them as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating them into your work without full acknowledgment.
What are the steps to a UN or GC conference?
Roll Call
Speaker’s List
Moderated Caucuses
Unmoderated Caucuses
Resolution writing
Presenting and Voting on Resolutions
What is the goal of a UN conference?
For countries to collaborate and work together to propose solutions to specific international problems.
These solutions are called RESOLUTIONS!
What are the four types of points and when are they used?
Point of Information - Used if you have a question for another delegation; you can yield to these if you don’t use all of your time
Point of Personal Privilege - Used to address a personal discomfort (needing to go to the bathroom, can’t hear, etc.)
Point of Inquiry - Used to ask the Chair a question about the rules, particularly if you’re confused or missed something
Point of Order - Used for procedural matters or if the Chair has made a mistake (skipping a country on the Speaker’s List, etc.)
List one sub-subtopic for each subtopic.
Censorship: Freedom of the Press, Violence Against Journalists, Misinformation, Access to Information
Totalitarianism: Cultural genocide, Lack of political opposition, Violence against political dissidents, Suppression of individual freedoms
Illiteracy: General Child Literacy, Media Literacy, AI, Rhetoric
Drugs: Familial support systems, Continuation of education, Misinformation, Transparency
What are ethos, logos, and pathos?
Ethos: Ethical appeal - credibility
Logos: Logical appeal - numbers, statistics
Pathos: Emotional appeal
What are 5 ways Global Classrooms is useful in your personal and academic life?
Answers vary, here are a few...
Practice researching, collaborating, debating, public speaking
Practice formal, academic writing
Expand worldview
Improve confidence
Improve English!
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
There are 17 of them! The most relevant SDGs for our topic are:
SDG Goal 4: Quality Education
SDG Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
SDG Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals