Voyages of Discovery
Aztec and Inca
The Spanish Empire
The Portuguese Empire
Mixed Topics

Why were nations such as Spain and Portugal unable to use the Mediterranean Sea routes to trade with Asia?

What is: The Italian city-states controlled those routes.


How did the Spanish solve the problem of not speaking the natives' languages?

What is: They used interpreters?


In what order did Coronado de Soto and Ponce de Leon explore North America?

What is: Ponce de Lon reached Florida first in 1513.

De Soto landed in Florida and traveled through the Southeast in 1540.


Which country might the pope liked better?

What is: Spain because he was Spanish?


What evidence demonstrates that da Gama was ruthless?

What is: He pretended to be Muslim to gain the trust of a sultan?


How did Prince Henry the Navigator help bring about the Age of Exploration?

What is: He sponsored and trained many explorers in map making, ship design, and navigation?


What unexpected events helped the Spanish defeat the Inca?

What is: Civil war and the spread of disease?


What were the events that led to the establishment of the encomienda system?

What is: Sugar cane was introduce to the colonies, grown on plantations that require large number of workers. They demanded labor from nearby Native Americans.


Why didn't the Treaty of Tordesillas keep Portugal out of the Americas?

What is: Neither Spain nor Portugal had sent explorers to South America yet, so they did not how far east it extended.


What lands belonged to the Eastern Hemisphere and what lands belonged to the Western Hemisphere?

What is: The lands east of the Atlantic Ocean were in the Eastern Hemisphere, and the Americas were in the Western Hemisphere.


What religious motive did Prince Henry have?

What is: He wanted to spread Christianity and recover lands from Muslims.


Why did Europeans want cochineal red dye?

What is: It was better than European dyes.  Its vibrant color was a status symbol.


What was the main idea of missions?

What is: to convert natives to Christianity?


How was Brazil different from Spanish colonies I the Americas?

What is: it offered no instant wealth from silver or gold?


How did the introduction of corn as a crop affect Africa and Asia?

What is: the new source of food helped increase population?


What mistakes caused Columbus to believe he had reached Asia?

What is: he underestimated the distance to Asia, and he did not know that two continents blocked his way.


Why did the Aztecs and the Inca suffer more from smallpox than the Spanish did?

What is: The Spanish had some immunity to the disease, while Native Americans did not.


How did Spanish plantation owners seek to resolve the labor shortage caused by a decline in the Native American population?

What is: They began to import enslaved Africans.


How was the Portuguese impact on native people similar to the Spanish impact?

What is: In both cases, native people died from European diseases, and missionaries tried to convert native people to Christianity?


Why didn't the French typically enslave Native Americans to work on plantations?

What is: The French were more interest in the fur trade and needed the natives' to hunt and bring the furs to them?


Why did many of Magellan's crew die during the voyage across the Pacific?

What is: A lack of nutrients in their diet?

What types of knowledge did the Spanish gain from Native Americans?

What is: Styles of buildings, foods, and use of canoes.


What did Malinche and Sor Juana have in common?

What is: Both became accomplished in a society that did not usually educate women.


On what continents did Portugal have colonies?

What is: Africa, South America, and Asia?


What diseases killed enslaved Africans during the Middle Passage?

What is: dysentery, smallpox, choloera, and yellow fever.
