The leading cause of fires
What is cooking?
Name 3 Allergic Reactions
The name of this school
What is Edgewood High School? (bonus points if you added Senior)
Name 3 Foodborne Illnesses
Name 3 Types of Cross-Contamination
What are physical, chemical, and biological?
Something you should NEVER use on a grease fire
What is water?
Name 3 Major Food Allergies
What are milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, treenuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, and sesame?
The teacher of this course
Vibro is caused from
What is eating raw or undercooked shellfish?
Something you should NEVER do to your hair while cooking and how it cross contaminates
What is fixing it or leaving it down and what is physical cross contamination?
You should never store this in unlabeled containers
What are chemicals?
A recipe given in step-by-step format
What is an active recipe?
The name of this course
What is Global Foods?
E. coli is short for
What is Escherichia Coli?
Somewhere you should never store food and how it cross contaminates
What are old chemical containers and what is biological cross contamination?
Something that is more dangerous than a sharp knife
What is a dull knife?
A recipe given in paragraph format
What is a narrative recipe?
Where Ms.Lamont went to college
What is BGSU?
How long foodborne illnesses typically last
What is about a week?
Some things you should do after working with raw meat
What is washing your hands and cleaning all surfaces?
Something that is essential in the kitchen
What is communication?
Name 3 Types of Recipes
What are standard, active, and narrative?
Ms. Lamont's favorite type of meatloaf
What is Biebloaf?
The deadliest foodborne illness(es)
What are steria, botulism, and norovirus?
A reason to be careful while eating anywhere but home
What is cross-contamination?