How many world centers are there ?
How many provinces and territories in Canada have Guiding units.
All 10 provinces and three territories
Which country was the first to have a Girl Guide community?
United Kingdom
What does WAGGGS stand for?
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
You’ve gone to Oregon, U.S.A., to do a Girl Scouts astronomy adventure camp. You want a chocolate that costs $1. You grab your dollar from your pocket – is it a bill or a coin?
A bill
Which continents do not have a world center ?
Australia, South America, Antarctica
How many countries around the world have Guiding communities?
a. 100
b. 150
c. 300
Who was the founder of the Girl Guide movement?
Agnes Baden-Powell
Why do we have WAGGGS
Takes guiding further, more world involvement, aids financially
You’ve fallen in love with a Guiding sweatshirt that costs 30 francs, what world centre might you be visiting?
Our Chalet in Switzerland
All aboard your double-decker bus! You’ve arrived in London, England. You’re about to start a three-day Guiding extravaganza! But first, what’s the name of the world centre you are heading to?
Pax Lodge
Why do we celebrate World Thinking Day?
To celebrate Guiding, think about our sisters around the world and its Lady Baden Powells birthday.
When did Girl Guides come to Canada?
What do we do to contribute to WAGGGS ?
CWFF (Canadian World Friendship Fund)
You’re visiting Sangam and want to buy a World Centre crest. What currency will you use?
What is the name of the world centre in India
How many people are part of the global Guiding community?
a. 100 million
b. 1 million
c. 10 million
10 million
What was created in 1928 at the 5th International Guiding Conference?
What do the two stars in the WAGGGS flag stand for?
The promise and the law
You’ve just bought a tea in London and the cashier asked for “70P”. What is she asking for?
70 pence (similar to cents)