True or False: Occupational injustice is an abuse of occupational and human rights, as defined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) (WFOT, 2019).
What is true?
Direct effects of limited mental health care includes:
A. Undertreatment
B. Mortality
C. Physical Health Problems
D. Poor Quality of life
E. All of the above
What is E or all of the above?
Indirect effects of mental health issues include ALL EXCEPT:
A. Decreased work productivity and increased unemployment rates
B. Homelessness
C. Caregiver burn out
D. Increased social participation
E. Increased cost to the government of a country due to financial supports
(The Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health., n.d.)
What is D or increased social participation?
OT's can help to reduce stigma, promote policy, and empower clients to attain resources and supports.
What is advocacy?
“A justice that recognizes occupational rights to inclusive participation in everyday occupations for all persons in society, regardless of age, ability, gender, social class, or other differences” (American Occupational Therapy Association 4th ed. [AOTA], 2020).
What is occupational justice?
TRUE or FALSE: Occupational therapy practitioners only work with a client on mental health issues after they have been diagnosed with a mental illness or disorder (WFOT, 2019).
What is false?
The WFOT recognizes occupational therapy practitioners as experts in the occupation who can proactively work with clients to prevent onset of mental health problems.
Jenny is a 34 year old female recently diagnosed with OCD. Before Jenny can cook a meal, she must scrub all countertop surface areas thoroughly before she begins this task. OCD is impacting her ________.
What is IADLs?
True or False: Majority of the ecenomic burden related to mental health issues is not the cost of health care, but instead the loss of income due to unemployment or incarceration (Tacom-Pierce County Health Department, 2016)
What is true?
Xavier is a 20 year old male living in a group home. Xavier is looking to begin employment but has trouble communicating when he is upset in an appropriate manner. The OT is looking to work with Xavier on this. This intervention would focus on.....
What is social skills, communication, or vocational skills?
TRUE or FALSE: Performance patterns are acquired habits, routines, roles, and rituals used in the process of engaging consistently in occupations and can support or hinder occupational performance (AOTA, 2020).
What is true?
TRUE or FALSE: The WFOT does not support the WHO’s Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 (WFOT, 2019).
What is true?
The WFOT does support the WHO’s Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020 with its four main objectives being: "the provision of comprehensive, integrated mental health and social care services in community-based settings; implementation of strategies for promotion and prevention; and strengthened information systems, evidence and research."
Jake is a 26 year old male recently diagnosed with schizophrenia. Since his diagnosis, Jake's friends are reluctant to be around him and they tend to make snide remarks about him. Jake is experiencing _______.
What is decreased social participation due to stigma?
_______ is the 5th leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the global burden of disease (Tacom-Pierce County Health Department, 2016)
A. Anxiety
B. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
C. Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
D. Depression
What is D or Depression?
In the U.S. alone, mood disorders such as depression are the third most common cause of hospitalization for both youth and adults ages 18-44.
Melissa is a 34 year old mother living in transitional housing after being in a homeless shelter recently. She has one daughter, Stephany who is 1 years old. Melissa is having difficulties with cleaning her apartment after caring for Stephany all day and then working a night shift at the local dinner. Melissa has also had difficulties remembering when to take her daughter to appointments and other important information and is overwhelmed. The OT can work with Melissa on........
What is integrating play with Stephany, household management, or developing skills for independent living?
Name the occupation: Managing mental health needs, including using coping strategies for illness, trauma history, or societal stigma; recognizing symptom changes and fluctuations; developing and using strategies for managing and regulating emotions; planning time and establishing behavioral patterns for restorative activities (e.g., meditation); using community and social supports; navigating and accessing the health care system (AOTA, 2020).
Choose which type of occupation this is:
C. Health Management
D. Education
What is health management?
Name one societal issue that may influence occupational injustice and human rights (WFOT, 2019).
What is....
poverty, economic restrictions, disease, social discrimination, displacement, natural and man-made disasters, armed conflict, historic disadvantage, and physical and mental ill-health
Zahara is a 19 year old female attending a local university. She has been experiencing a great deal of anxiety due to the new transition of attending school away from family. She tries to get connected with her school's counseling services but cannot find any openings. She does not know of resources outside the school. Zahara's stress becomes too much and she stops attending classes. Zahara is experiencing _____.
What is lack of services or disruption in school activities?
Mental disorders increase the likelihood of living in _______, perhaps because of their influence on functionality and ability to get or sustain employment. Conversely, ______ increases the likelihood of developing mental disorders (National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2021)
What is poverty?
Miguel is a 28 year old male recently diagnosed with bipolar I disorder. Miguel will occasionally have manic and depressive episodes. After a manic episode, Miguel feels a lot of guilt for his behavior and experiences many negative thoughts relating to these actions. When Miguel experiences a depressive episode, he experiences feelings of worthlessness and has trouble getting out of bed in the morning. The OT wants to work with Miguel on challenging these negative thoughts he has. An intervention method that could be used is _______ _________ _________ (_____).
What is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)?
(OT Dude LLC., 2021)
“A general term encompassing the total universe of human life domains, including physical, mental, and social aspects, that makeup what can be called a ‘good life'" (AOTA, 2020).
Choose an option:
A. Health
B. Well-Being
C. Participation
What is Well-Being?