World War I and II
Cold War
Alternative Topics
During World War II, the Allied invasion of France on D-Day (June 6, 1944) was significant because it 2. demonstrated the power of the atomic bomb 3. resulted in a successful German revolt against Hitler and the Nazi Party 4. led to the immediate surrender of German and Italian forces 5. forced Germans to fight a two-front war
What is forced the Germans to fight a two-front war?
The main reason the Chinese Communists gained control of mainland China in 1949 was that 1. they were supported by many warlords and upper class Chinese 2. the United States had supported the Chinese Communist Party during World War II 3. the dynamic leadership of Mao Zedong had the support of the peasant class 4. they had superior financial resources and were supported by Japan
What is 3. the dynamic leadership of Mao Zedong had the support of the peasant class
Under communism in the Soviet Union, people were required to do this: a) Reject modern technology b) limit the size of their families c) honor their ancestors and religious traditions d) put the interests of the state before individual gain
What is d) put the interests of the state before individual gain
The government of Great Britain built railroads, schools, and irrigation systems in colonial India primarily to do this: A. prepare India for independence B. strengthen its political and economic control in India C. secure favorable trading arrangements with di?erent Indian leaders D. help India maintain its traditional cultural system
What is B. strengthen its political and economic control in India
This statement about the Protestant Reformation is an opinion rather than a fact: A. German princes revolted against the Holy Roman Emperor. B. Membership in the Catholic Church declined in northern Europe. C. European religious unity was disrupted by the newly established religions. D. Henry VIII led a stronger religious reform movement than Martin Luther did
What is D. Henry VIII led a stronger religious reform movement than Martin Luther did
The mass killing of a race of culture of people.
What is genocide?
This was a major result of the French Revolution in France: a) The King was restored to unlimited power b) The clergy dominated government c) The middle class gained political influence d) The tax burden was carried by the lower classes
What is c) The middle class gained political influence
The political climate of the Cold War caused the world's two superpowers to 1. cooperate in halting the spread of communism 2. colonize Africa and Asia 3. compete economical and militarily 4. protect human rights
What is 3. compete economical and militarily
This statement best shows the attitude of Great Britain, Germany, and France toward Africa and Asia during the 19th century: A. We should not become involved with people who are diff?erent from us. B. These lands are sources of raw materials and markets for our products. C. There are many advantages to sharing and learning from other cultures. D. The political power and wealth of these areas and threats to our position in the world
What is B. These lands are sources of raw materials and markets for our products.
The Theory of laissez-faire capitalism advocates this: (1) Government control of the economy (2) Non involvement of the government in the economy (3) Government regulation of big business
What is (2) Non involvement of the government in the economy
The major impact of the Treaty of Versailles on Germany was that the treaty led to a) an era of peace and international good will in Germany b) a stable Germany that was both democratic and strong c) an increase in Germany's desire to regain its power & prestige d) a leadership position for Germany in the League of Nations
What is c) an increase in Germany's desire to regain its power & prestige
The Four Modernizations of Deng Xiaoping in the 1970s and 1980s resulted in 1. an emphasis on the Five Relationships 2. a return to Maoist revolutionary principles 3. a move toward increased capitalism 4. the end of the communist system of government
What is 4) the end of the communist system of government
During the late 1980's in the Soviet Union, the policy of perestroika was an attempt to solve economic problems by doing this. a) introducing elements of capitalism into the soviet economy b) limiting imports into the Soviet Union c) relying more heavily on central planning of the Soviet economy d) cutting back the amount of credit given to small businesses
What is a) introducing elements of capitalism into the soviet economy
During the 19th century, France wished to colonize Southeast Asia in order to do this: A. introduce the people of France to the culture of the Orient B. increase French prestige and power in Southeast Asia C. aid the people of Southeast Asia in developing a government D. provide land for an expanding population
What is B. increase French prestige and power in Southeast Asia
An important result of the Industrial revolution was this. (1) Concentration of workers in urban areas (2) Increased desire of the wealthy class to share its power (3) Formation of powerful craft guilds (4) Control of agricultural production by governments
What is (1) Concentration of workers in urban areas
This event occurred last in World War II: 1. German invasion of Poland 2. Russian defense of Stalingrad 3. United States bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 4. Japanese invasion of Manchuria
What is 3) US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
10. Revolutions have most often occurred in nations in which this is the case: A. the majority of the people are economically prosperous B. social mobility is encouraged C. citizens can participate in the political process D. social, political, or economic dissatisfaction exists
What is D. social, political, or economic dissatisfaction exists
During the Cold War period, these two nations were divided into Communist and non-Communist parts: a) China and Mongolia b) Vietnam and Korea c) Pakistan and Ireland d) Poland and Cuba
What is b) Vietnam and Korea?
The official government policy of separating races of people in a nation.
What is apartheid
Martin Luther's Ninety-fi?ve Theses were a call for A. religious revolt against German princes B. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church C. greater Papal authority D. crusades to spread Christianity
What is B. reforms within the Roman Catholic Church
This was a direct result of the Holocaust and other atrocities committed by the Nazis during World War II: 1. development of the Cold War 2. war crimes trials in Nuremburg 3. formation of the League of Nations 4. separation of Germany into Eastern and Western zones
What is war crimes trials in Nuremburg
The most common result of the European revolutions of the late 18th and 19th centuries was that they A. led to a broadening of the vote B. brought about the success of socialism C. restored monarchic government to most of Europe D. eliminated national differences among the peoples of Europe
What is A. led to a broadening of the vote
The end of the Cold War is best symbolized by this. 1. establishment of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan 2. formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Common Market 3. withdrawal of United Nations from Somalia and from Kuwait 4. destruction of the Berlin wall and the reunification of Germany
What is 4. destruction of the Berlin wall and the reunification of Germany
This statement about the European partitioning of Africa in the 1800's is most accurate: A. Europeans drew colonial borders based on African tribal boundaries. B. The African Continent was divided equally among the colonial powers. C. European control did much to improve the economies of most tribal groups. D. African cultural and ethnic traditions were often ignored by colonial governments.
What is D. African cultural and ethnic traditions were often ignored by colonial governments.
7. During the Age of Absolutism (1600's and 1700's) European monarchies sought to do this A. increase human rights for their citizens B. centralize political power in their nation C. develop better relations with Moslem rulers D. encourage the growth of cooperative farms
What is B. centralize political power in their nation