This radical period of the French Revolution saw thousands of people being publicly executed.
Reign of Terror.
This leader of German unification also led the negotiations of the Berlin Conference
Otto von Bismarck
This was a meeting between many European powers concerning the colonization of Africa.
Berlin Conference
What does the skillet eat on its birthday?
Term used to describe a god given right to rule.
Divine Right
This man led the Haitian Revolution, helping to free slaves on the French colony of Saint-Domingue.
Toussaint L'Ouverture
What has four wheels and flies?
Garbage Truck
What sparked the Sepoys to rebel against the British in India?
cattle and pig fat and blood soaked cartridges of gun powder and ammunition.
This man became dictator of France in the aftermath of French Revolution. His wars throughout Europe would severely impact world history in many ways.
Napoleon Bonaparte
What were 3 causes of the French Revolution.
Social Inequality, Poor Leadership, The Enlightenment, Economic Decline, etc.
How do you make 7 even?
You take away the S.
This Enlightenment thinker argued that governments should be broken up into 3 branches (executive, legislative, and judicial).
Baron de Montesquieu.
This meeting attempted to redraw boundaries of European nations following the Napoleonic Wars in Europe.
Congress of Vienna.
Thomas Hobbes said this form of government was necessary to govern such selfish and greedy people.
Absolute Monarchy
How much does a chimney cost?
Nothing, its on the house.