Tokugawa Shogunate
The Enlightenment
French Revolution
Agricultural Revolution
Industrial Revolution

What was the Tokugawa Shogunate?

-ruling power/government of Japan around 1600

-ruler was called a Shogun

-brought peace, stability, and isolation to Japan


What was the Enlightenment?

A European cultural and intellectual movement from 1600s-1700s that emphasized using scientific reasoning to understand the world and individualism rather than royal tradition and religion. It was heavily influenced by 17th-century philosophers such as Descartes, Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Adam Smith.


What was the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was a period of time in France when the people overthrew the monarchy and took control of the government. The French Revolution lasted 10 years from 1789 to 1799. It began on July 14, 1789 when revolutionaries stormed a prison called the Bastille.


What was the agricultural revolution?

The agricultural revolution occurred in the 18th century. It is characterized by its increase in crop production due to innovations in farming techniques and technology.


What was the Industrial Revolution?

Description includes:

The Industrial Revolution was a period of major industrialization that took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s. ... This time period saw the mechanization of agriculture and textile manufacturing and a revolution in power, including steam ships and railroads, that effected social, cultural and economic conditions


Describe Japan's geography

group of mountainous islands (an archipelago)


Identify Montesquieu's most well known idea and publication

Separation of Powers: that the power of government should be divided, so that not one person or group of people had all of the power to make decisions

Book: The Spirit of the Laws


What was the government structure of France before/at the start of the French Revolution?

Monarchy characterized by hereditary rule

The Bourbon Dynasty family was in power; Louis XVI was king and his wife was Marie Antionette


What was the significance of the seed drill? (impact)

The seed drill allowed for more seeds to be planted quickly with accuracy, which lead to less of a need for people to physically plant seeds and also increase in crop production. 

Describe the geography of Great Britain in relation to the industrial revolution

Irregular coastline created natural ports. Coal was an abundant natural resource that powered factories. Waterways (canals and rivers) allowed for transportation of goods and powered machineries.


How did Japan's geography impact its policies?

-Made it easier to be isolated 

-Port access would have made it easy for trade


Identify Locke's most well known idea and publication

Natural Rights: He believed that all humans are born with the right to life, liberty, and ownership of property

Book: Two Treatises of Government


Describe the 3 Estates

First Estate: Clergy

-considered highest on the social ladder -possessed an enormous amount of power -made up .5% of the population -owned 10% of all the land in France *Not required to pay taxes*

Second Estate: Nobles

-made up 1.5% of the population -the richest of the nobility held top jobs in government, army, courts *Not required to pay taxes*

Third Estate: 98% of the population

Top-BOURGEOISIE-middle class -bankers-merchants-lawyers-doctors-journalists-professors Middle-PEASANTS-9/10 people in class Bottom-CITY WORKERS overworked and underpaid objected the most to the living conditions & politics in Fr became known as the sans culottes because of the way they dressed and their support for the French Revolution **REQUIRED TO PAY TAXES**


What was the significance of the four dutch crop rotation system?

The impact was that it allowed for soil to be constantly in use, which made it so that more seeds could be planted yielding to more crops. It also lead to a variety in crops.


Describe factory life

long work hours, dangerous working conditions, low wages, child labor, harsh punishment


What was the Edict of 1635?

It ordered the closing of Japan's borders (aka ports) to outsiders and put policies in place making it nearly impossible (discouraging) Japanese people to leave the country in order to maintain peace, prosperity and order in the shogunate.


Identify Rousseau's most well known idea and publication

Social Contract Theory: That laws are only binding and meaningful if made with mutual consent between people and their government


How did the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?

The Revolution was based on the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. Philosophers of the Enlightenment, known as philosophes, favored limited monarchy, freedom of speech, and equality.


How did the agricultural revolution lead to the industrial revolution?

New farming techniques and technologies lead to crop surplus and job disruption (less people needed to be farmers). This lead to more people being available to work in growing factory industry to make processed goods using crop surplus and other natural resources available or that were imported.


What is laissez faire?

A policy of minimum governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society


What was the significance of the Tokaido Highway to Japan?

It helped the Japanese government consolidate and maintain power by setting up check points


Contextualize the enlightenment. What are 2 of the 3 movements that contributed to the enlightenment occurring in Europe at the time in which it happened?

The Enlightenment grew out of the Renaissance, Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution. Like all of these other movements, much Enlightenment thinking challenged accepted beliefs. Enlightenment philosophers wanted to use the ideas and reason of the Scientific Revolution for problems in government and society.


What are the 4 Stages of the French Revolution?

National Assembly


The Directory

Age of Napoleon


What was the impact of the enclosure movement?

Privatized farm land, so that the purpose of the land could be more organized and with fewer farmers and portioned land, farmers were able to be creative with how they used their land, which led to innovations in farming techniques and technology.

Describe the communist Manifesto in relation to the Industrial Revolution

** A topic we have briefly discussed, but will be learning about more directly after finals

Bad working conditions for the lower (proletariat class) lead to the development of new ideologies around social classes including communism. Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto in reaction to this.
