Ancient Egypt
Ancient China
Ancient Greece
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What is one problem that would cause a hunter-gatherer community to move to another location?
- The animals and berries in an area are declining - The weather has grown colder - The animals the people were hunting have migrated elsewhere
Name as many inventions as you can remember that were developed by the Egyptians?
Papyrus paper 365-day calendar Shaduf Mummification Sailboat Hieroglyphics
Why were ancient civilizations like the Chinese polytheistic?
Ancient Civilizations were polytheistic, which means they believed in more than one god or goddess, because they didn't understand what was happening in the world around them (for example, why there was night and day) and they used their religious beliefs to make sense of the world. Through their belief in their gods and goddess and the stories they told about them (myths) they were able to feel less scared and confused about the world around them.
How did geography affect the development of Ancient Greek city-states?
Due to Greece's mountainous landscape and the surrounding seas, city states developed in isolation from one another. Due to this isolation city-states developed almost as mini-countries with their own style of government, laws, military, and ruler.
How do historians learn about ancient history?
They examine artifacts they discover from past civilizations and make educated guesses or inferences about what life was like for people back then.
In Mesopotamia which aspect of a civilization best relates to Ziggurats, sacrifices, and priests?
Why were the pyramids built?
The pyramids were built as tombs to the pharaohs of Egypt. The pyramids were supposed to protect the body of the pharaoh and the treasures buried with him.
What is the importance of the Mandate of Heaven?
The Mandate of Heaven explains how dynasties changed in Ancient China. The people believed that the Emperor needed the approval of the gods to rule. As long as things were going well the people believed the Emperor had the gods approval. If natural disasters began to occur or the Emperor started to rule in a corrupt way the people would believe the Emperor lost the approval of the gods and a new dynasty would overthrow the current dynasty and take over.
What are the major differences between Athens and Sparta?
Athens - Relied on the seas for trade and fishing to survive - Developed arts (architecture, philosophy, sculpture, theater) - Focused on developing educated citizen scholars - Democratic government - Had a strong navy Sparta - Focused on developing a strong military force - Goal of education was to develop strong soldiers to protect the city-state - Relied on farming and conquering others to get the resources they need to survive
What steps does a community have to go through to become a highly developed civilization?
1. Productive Farming - Learn to grow food really well 2. Food Surpluses - Grow enough food to feed more people 3. Population Growth - The population grows 4. Job Specialization - New jobs develop because not everyone is needed to farm
How did geography help Mesopotamia become the world's first civilization?
Mesopotamia was located between two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers which flooded and left behind rich fertile soil called silt. This healthy soil was excellent for growing crops and farming.
Why was the Nile River so valuable to Egyptian society?
- It provided them water for drinking, cleaning, cooking, etc. - It allowed them the opportunity to trade and travel - It provided them with water for irrigating their crops
What is the Buddhist belief in KARMA?
Karma is the belief that one's actions whether positive or negative will come back and affect them in a positive or negative way later in life. Example: You steal something from a neighbor and a few weeks later something of your own is stolen.
What is the difference between a direct and a representative democracy?
In a direct democracy the citizens have the opportunity to directly participate in the government on a daily basis. They vote and debate on the laws and issues facing the government themselves. In a representative democracy the citizens have an indirect impact on the government. The citizens elect representatives to represent them on a daily basis. These representatives then vote on the laws and issues facing the government for the people.
What symbol or map features allows one to pin point the exact location of a place on a map?
Latitude and longitude coordinates - Grid
What did the Mesopotamians develop to try and control the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers?
They developed irrigation technology (levees, ditches, canals, dams, etc.). This technology helped them prevent flooding, store up extra water, and move water out into the fields to increase the ability of farmers to grow crops during the dry season.
Why were Egyptians pharaohs more powerful than American presidents?
Pharaohs were believed to be more than human. The Egyptians saw the pharaohs as more than human, like a god on Earth (Horus). They believed the pharaohs had religious, militaristic, and political power. American presidents are not believed to be more than human and therefore have less power and influence than Egyptian pharaohs.
How did Qin Shi Huangdi become the first emperor of China?
He united the different warring kingdoms of China following the Warring States period (Zhou dynasty).
Which of the following gods/goddesses are incorrectly paired up with their powers?
Zeus--God of the Sky Hephaestus - God of metal working Ares - God of War Athena - Goddess of Love
If you have to write any TAGGs paragraphs on the Trimester 3 Exam what do you need to remember to do? Especially if the question includes an image, text, map, artifact, etc?
Scholars need to: 1. Read all parts of the question 2. Write using TQA 3. Quote specific evidence from the text, artifact, or image. 4. Be sure to use enough evidence and explain your evidence with rationale. 5. Be sure to write and fill up all lines on the exam
Describe the style of writing used in Mesopotamia? What was it called? What did it look like? Who knew how to read and write?
Mesopotamia's style of writing was known as CUNEIFORM. It was called "wedged shaped writing" because writers used think sticks called styluses to write on clay tablets. Only highly-educated scribes, who attended a special school for 12 years were trained how to write using cuneiform.
What are the social classes in order from top to bottom on the Egyptian social pyramid? Which social class had the most power and wealth? Which social class had the largest population?
Pharaoh Government Officials Priests Scribes Artisans Farmers*** Slaves/Servants The pharaoh and governmental officials enjoyed the most power and wealth. The farmers and slaves/servants made up the largest social class. They had the least amount of wealth and power.
Which rule is important in Confucianism according to the Five Core Relationships?
A) A younger sibling should respect their younger sibling. B) A mother should respect her daughter C) A son should respect his father D) The king should respect his citizens
Which aspect of a civilization best relates to monarchy, oligarchy, and tyranny?
When you are calculating the amount of time that has passed between events on a timeline how do you remember to add or subtract? For example, what if you had two dates: - 678 B.C.E. - 1590 C.E.
When the dates are from the same side of the timeline you SUBTRACT. When the dates are from different sides of the timeline you ADD. For the example given, you would add 678+1590 since they are from different sides of the timeline.