Key Concepts
Case Studies

Explain the concept of power in global politics

Power can be seen as ability to effect change


Explain the realist perspective in global politics.

Realists in global politics view the world in competitive terms. In a realist view, global politics is dominated by states.


Define Relativism.

In the context of global politics, the ethical theory of relativism suggests values to be culturally and individually determined.


In what year was the UN founded?



In what year did the US invade Iraq under the Presidency of George W. Bush?



What is the definition of sovereignty?

A State has control over territory and ability to govern itself.


What is liberalism in global politics?

In a liberalist view, a host of actors influence outcomes in global politics and share a primary concern for justice, liberty and equality.


Define Universalism.

The concept is that there is a universal rule for a given issue. In the context of global politics, the ethical theory of universalism puts forward the notion of a universal human nature that transcends traditional boundaries of identity.


How many current members of the EU are there?



In what year did the Syrian Civil War begin?



What is the definition of Legitimacy?

Legitimacy refers to an actor or an action being commonly considered acceptable and provides the fundamental basis or rationale for all forms of governance and other ways of exercising power over others.


What is the constructivist approach in global politics?

It is a social theory that emphasizes the role of ideational factors in shaping international relations. According to the theory, identities and interests of actors are socially constructed and changeable, and all elements of international relations are created by social norms and shared understandings.


What are the key features of authoritarian regimes?

The key features of authoritarian regimes include highly concentrated and centralized government power, political repression, exclusion of potential challengers, and the erosion of the rule of law and democratic voting procedures


In what year was the African Union founded?



What is the name of the Shia Islamist group who's attack on the sitting government sparked the Civil War Yemen? (the name derives from the tribe).

The Houthis


What is the definition of interdependence?

The concept of interdependence most often refers to the mutual reliance between and among groups, organizations, geographic areas and/or states for access to resources that sustain living arrangements.


Explain the feminist perspective in global politics.

It is a theoretical approach that emphasizes the role of gender in shaping international relations. Feminist scholars argue that gender is a fundamental organizing principle of social life and that gender hierarchies and inequalities are pervasive in global politics.


Define globalization.

The increasing connectedness and interdependence of the world. It refers to the process by which people, companies, and governments worldwide interact and integrate. This can involve economic, social, cultural, and political exchanges, leading to a more connected and interdependent global community.


Where are the headquarters of the WTO? (City)

Geneva, Switzerland


In what state are the Rohingya people being persecuted and to which state did the majority of them flee after the initial crackdown in 2016?

Myanmar and Bangladesh.


What is the role of state actors in global politics?

State Actors are the only actors in international relations with their own sovereignty; all other actors derive their abilities to act from State Actors. This sovereignty allows them to set the rules that structure how their citizens interact on the international stage


What is the Marxist perspective in global politics?

It is a theoretical approach that emphasizes the role of the capitalist mode of production in shaping the international system. According to this perspective, the modern sovereign state-system and the capitalist mode of production are interconnected, with capitalism being the main source of instability in the international system.


Define Capitalism.

The economic theory of capitalism is the dominant ideology of production, exchange, distribution and consumption in the modern world, according to which the basis of resource allocation is the generation of profit.


Which is not an IGO: The World Bank Group, The G8, The Council of Europe?

The G8. An IGO must be created by a treaty to exist as a legal entity. Coalitions or groups of states, like the G8 or Middle East Quartet, are not international governmental organizations in a legal sense.


Which three nations are principally involved in the Nile River Dam dispute?

Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan.
