South America
Basic Concepts
This South American civilization was located in the Andes Mountains and used Terrace Farming to get enough food
Who are the Inca
These are the names of the largest desert and river in Africa
What is the Sahara and the Nile
This is the name given the pieces of land like India and Korea, which have water surrounding it on three sides -- so its not an Island
What is a Peninsula
Galileo, Copernicus and Newton were all associated with this time period
What is the Scientific Revolution
Having a river near a city or civilization usually has this positive effect
What is Trade or Agriculture
These are the two European countries that had colonies in South American
What are Spain and Portugal
These were the two main things that were traded in the West African Kingdoms.
What are Gold and Salt
This was the main goal of both the Boxer Rebellion in China and the Sepoy Mutiny in India
What is the get rid of European Influence or to fight back against imperialism
According to Martin Luther's 95 Theses, name at least two complaints he had about the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation
What is that the Pope was not special, the bible should be in the vernacular, the church was too greedy, the church was too concerned with politics, that the church was selling indulgences
The Cold War was a conflict centered around a belief in these two very different ideologies/governments
What is Communism and Democracy/Capitalism
The Latin American Revolutions of the 1800's were influenced by these two earlier revolutions
What are the American (1776) and French (1791)
This leader ended the racist policy of Apartheid in South Africa in the early 1990's?
Who is Nelson Mandela
Name one of three effects that the Meiji Restoration had on Japan in the late 1800's
What is Modernization, Westernization and Industrilization
Marco Polo began his travels in Venice, Italy along this famous trade route that spanned from Europe to China
What is the Silk Road
This is the term used when a piece of technology, a belief system or an idea is shared between two groups of people -- such as how Islam spread to Western Africa from the Middle East because of Trade
What is Cultural Diffusion
This is the longest river in South America
What is the Amazon
This was the 1895 Imperialist meeting of many Europeans nations where they essentially "split" up Africa among them
What is the Berlin Conference
This early civilization, which was settled along the Indus River, is known for developing many mathematical concepts and having a centralized government
What is the Gupta Civilization
This was the purpose of the Magna Carta as well as the Glorious Revolution
What is to limit the power of the Monarchy or King
This is the name given to an area of the world that the earliest civilizations developed, such as Mesopotamia or Egypt
What is River Valley Civilizations
Today, the Rainforest in South America is being chopped down at a very fast pace by businesses. This reduction of the forest is called...
What is Deforestation
During the 1990's the Hutu's and the Tutsi's were in an ethnic war in this African country, which resulted in
What is Rwanda -- the Rwandan Genocide
This Empire, which spanned across much of Modern Day Russia, had many advanced weapons, and was the reason that the Chinese built the Great Wall of China -- To protect themselves.
What is the Mongols
Name the 3 European totalitarian dictators who led Russia, Germany and Italy in the 1930's and 40's.
Who are Stalin, Hitler and Moussilini
This is the term used to describe anything dealing with the buying and selling of goods, the value of currency, or trade
What is Economy or Economic