Poverty reduction and the new global middle class (NGMC)
Ecological footprint

Patterns and trends in global water and food

Patterns and trends in global energy consumption


Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What is sustainable development?


When a person’s income is too low to maintain the average standard of living in a particular society.

What is relative poverty?


A crude measurement of the area of land or water required to provide a person (or society) with the energy, food and resources needed to live, and to also absorb waste.

What is ecological footprint?


When all people, at all times, have sustainable access to adequate quantities of acceptable-quality water for sustaining livelihoods, well-being and development.

What is water security?


When all people, at all times, enjoy the uninterrupted availability of the energy they require to meet their needs, and at an affordable price. 

What is energy security?


The level of use a society makes of the resources available to it.

What is consumption?


Global poverty has been ..... since the introduction of the Millennium Development Goals in 2000, with the greatest progress made in Asia. 

What is halved?


Earth’s total biocapacity is ..... hectares per person.

What is 1.8 hectares?


When all people, at all times, have physical, social and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. 

What is food security?


Mineral and fossil fuel resources that are available only in limited supplies. They cannot be replaced easily.

What are non-renewable resources?


Living on less than US $ 1.90 per day.

What is extreme poverty?


What does the NGMC stand for?

What is the new global middle class?


Humanity’s ecological footprint is .... hectares per person.

What is 2.7? 


How many per cent of the world’s water is non-saline?

What is 3 per cent?


The point when the maximum rate of global oil production is reached (likely to be before 2030).

What is peak oil?


2 billion people belong to a group called the fragile middle class. How much do they earn or spend a day in US $?

What is between US $ 2 and 10 a day?



Millennium Development Goals: A set of interrelated global targets for poverty reduction and human development. They were introduced in 2000 at the UN Millennium Summit; their successor, the Sustainable Development Goals, followed in ......

What is 2015?


In which month was Earth Overshoot Day 2019 (earliest ever)?

What is July (29th)?


A change in diet from staple carbohydrates towards meat and fish proteins and dairy products.

What is the nutrition transition?


The proportions of hydrocarbons, renewable energy sources and nuclear energy that a country uses to meet its domestic needs.

What is energy mix?


In 2016, the number of people in extreme poverty was estimated by the World Bank to have fallen below this. 

What is 800 million?


One of the most remarkable feats in human history has been the lifting of nearly one billion people out of absolute poverty during the past couple of decades. Much of the growth has taken place in Asia and Latin America. Over ....... people have been lifted out of poverty in China alone.

What is 500 million? 


Since China opened itself up to foreign investment in 1978, GDP has risen by a staggering .... per cent.

What is 2,000 per cent?


Irrigation accounts for over ... per cent of water withdrawn from the Indus River Basin (world's largest irrigation system).

What is 90 per cent?


Total energy demand is predicted to grow by around ..... per cent between 2000 and 2030. 

What is 40 per cent?
