If the tittle of Biggest Disney fan could go to only one person on our team, who would it be ?
Who is Janie
The LEGO name is made from the first two letters of the Danish words LEG GODT, meaning?
What is "Play well"
What is the largest continent by landmass?
What is Asia.
Who directed the first Jurassic Park film?
Who is Steven Spielberg
Only one of us has a Love for murder
Who is Andy
Though the LEGO Group is known as the largest toy manufacturer in the world, what is the 2nd most manufactured item we are known for?
What is Tires
Where is the Great Barrier Reef located?
What is Australia
In twilight which charter delivers the line "Bella, where you been loca"?
Who is Jacob
Who on our team has an irrational fear of sloths
Who is Rachelle
What is consider our biggest LEGO set (in terms of piece count)
What is the LEGO Art World Map (11,000 pieces)
What country can be found at the Ecuador
What is Ecuador
In the Star Wars Universe who is the owner of the Millennium Falcon.
Who is Han Solo
Who on our team wishes they could turn themselves into Mulan for a day?
who is Yasmina
The plastic LEGO brick was first patented in
What is 1958
What’s the oldest European country
What is Bulgaria
In 2007 what charter from Harry Potter was announced as gay.
Who is Dumbledore
Chocolate promotion is a tough job market to break into, especially as your first job. One of us has, but who?
Who is Xing Long
LEGO Production Factories can be found in these countries?
What are Mexico, China, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Denmark and Vietnam.
In what year did the London skyline get its addition of the London Eye?
One pice is known for its beloved stretchy main character. What is his full name?
Monkey D. Luffy