What was the mortality rate for Native Peoples from Smallpox?
What was 90-95%
What is the Northernmost terminus of the Grand Canal?
The widespread transfer of plants, animals,culture, human populations, technology, diseases, and ideas between the New (N and S America) and Old Worlds.
What was the Columbian Exchange?
This describes the fusion of multiple religions.
What is syncretic?
This religion began in Saudi Arabia with the Death of Muhammad
What is Islam?
A government or the holding of power by people selected on the basis of their ability
What is a meritocracy?
What is the Grand Canal - China?
Big headed culture from Meso-America
What is Olmec?
Prayers in Islam must be directed to this city.
What is Mecca?
Although this waterway was initally contructed B.C.E. it was expanded during the Song Dynasty.
What is the Grand Canal?
This means herding.
What are pastoralists?
This means a religion with the belief in multiple Gods.
What is polytheism?
This military leader in Japan was known as?
What is a Shogun?
What is the Florentine Codex?
These shoes were designed for women in China with bound feet.
What are Lotus Shoes?
This was the largest city in the present day Continental US prior to Columbus.
What is Cahokia?
Invented in China in 1040 by Bi-Sheng, allowed for the production of printed navigation charts.
What was the movable type printing press?
A system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives.
What is a bureaucracy?
The sacrifice of crying children to the God Huichilipotchli was part of the religion of this Civilization.
What are the Aztecs?
A social system existing in both medieval Europe and Japan in which people worked and fought for nobles who gave them protection and land in return
What is feudalism?
What is the Catalan Atlas?
Tenochtitlan was located on this lake.
What is Texcoco?
Capital of the Aztec Empire.
What is Tenochtitlan?
The Chinese during the Song Period learned how to remove carbon from cast iron to produce this.
What is steel?
This means people manufacture or produce more than they can personally use.
What is Proto-Industrialization?
The Four Noble Truths represent the central belief of this religion.
What is Buddhism?
An attitude of respect for parents and ancestors in societies influenced by Confucian thought
What was filial piety?
What is El Castillo or Chichen Itza?
This domesticated crop was created in Vietnam but was widely planted in China - it was drought resistant and had a short growing season.
What is Champa Rice?
What was the most important trading city in the Mali Empire under Mansa Musa?
What is Timbuktu? (Also Gao ok)
The Hausa and Ghanaian Kingdoms thrived because of this trade route.
What was the trans saharan trade route?
What is polygyny?
This was the syncretic fusion of Daoism and Buddhism.
What is Zen Buddhism or Chan Buddhism?
Surrounding nations to China were challenged to maintain their own distinctive cultures. This was known as?
What is sinification?
What is the Bayeux Tapestry ?