Use this activity to establish Order, Trade, and Execution records on Global Plus for a security trade that has already been executed with a broker. The information entered during this activity is the first notification on the system of the executed trade.
What is 6.14 or 6 enter
This activity permits an authorized operator to balance and close currently active auto-batches, including event auto-batches created when an operator repairs and reprocesses SWIFT cash messages or processes Generalized Interface (GI) events on-line. No input is required to close the auto-batch. Only the operator who created and posted the auto-batch can use this activity to close and balance it. All auto-batches for the current date must be closed before End-of-Day processing can begin.
What is 2.10 or 2 close
Displays a list of corporate actions related to a specific security as of any date
what is 35.56
Displays information about a position, including units, book value, and federal and state cost
What is 35.42 or 35 posit
Use the Post Miscellaneous Cash Receipt activity to post a one-time cash receipt. Examples of miscellaneous receipts include income tax refunds, lump-sum pension benefits, and medical insurance claim reimbursements
What is 3.3 or 3 post
Use this activity to enter either multicurrency or single currency trades. Multicurrency trading allows you to trade a security that is denominated in one currency with cash in a different currency. Multicurrency trading involves two portfolios:
What is 6.077
Use this AFQ to find the ISIN, sedol, Currency and country of Issue for a security
What is 35.47
Use the Cash Dividend activity to set up and maintain cash dividend corporate actions. You also can use this activity to manually enter a foreign tax withholding rate that will override the foreign tax withholding rate stored in the Country (16.100) code file.
What is 5.17 or
Displays security holdings by registration, location, and disposition restriction for any date.
What is 35.66 or 35 SEXREF
Use the Settle Execution activity to manually settle an execution or trade. You use this activity to process actual settlement for buys, sells, and foreign exchange contracts. If associated orders have not been theoretically settled, this activity also theoretically settles the orders as a by-product of the actual settlement process.
What is 6 settle or 6.10
This screen is used with the SELL qualifier to enter information for a security sale that has already been executed. Use this qualifier for sales of traded securities
What is 6 enter Sell or 6.14.8
Use this AFQ to look up the cash balance of a portfolio
What is 35.12 or 35 cash
Details expected amounts resulting from a cash dividend. This is a MAP
What is 5.113
Displays information about an account and associated affiliations, IRA and EBT records, events, and other administrative information. You can view all or part of the information which relates to a particular account.
Ehat is 35.01 or 35 accoun
The Dual Control Post Miscellaneous Disbursement activity uses the Dual-Control feature of Global Plus for authorizing miscellaneous one-time cash disbursements. This activity allows you to use a two-step procedure for processing miscellaneous cash disbursements that will require two different operators
What is 4.36.1
Use the Settle Execution activity to manually settle an execution or trade. You use this activity to process actual settlement for buys, sells, and foreign exchange contracts. If associated orders have not been theoretically settled, this activity also theoretically settles the orders as a by-product of the actual settlement process
What is 6 settle or 6.18
What is 237.
Use the Collect Corporate Action Created Receivable activity to collect on uncollected receivables related to corporate actions. The receivable must be one of the following types:
What is 5.12.11
Displays information about holdings as of "settlement date" for a specified portfolio. You can also indicate whether you want to view detailed information for positions.
what is 35.31 or 35 hol_se
Displays information about the cash position of a specified portfolio. Ledger, available, unavailable, and payable/receivable balances are displayed as of any date specified by the operator.
What is 35.12 or 35 cash
Use this AFQ to approve a Trading/SWIFT message
What is 9.84.1 or 9 84 verify
Displays information about a specified batch, including the batch reference number, status, the responsible operator, cash increase, cash decrease, net cash, and units. Additionally, detailed information on which bank accounts, branch balances, and bank account locations were impacted by the batch can be displayed.
What is 35 batch or 35.6
Report that lists posted dividend and interest payments transactions. (Post Run Map)
what is 5.106
Display a SWIFT message.
What is 9.84.5 or 9.84 display
APPROVE. Used by supervising operators to approve a miscellaneous disbursement COO and post the transaction.
What is 4.36.81 or 4.36 approve