Data vocabulary
How ___ affects globalization
Culture terms
What is ___?
globalization specific questions

Define Literacy rate

The percentage of people who can read and write 


 how does communication affect globalization?

People can call, text, and use the internet to find out about things going on across borders and oceans. People are much more connected with people from farther away. 


define racism 

The belief that one racial group is naturally superior. This can be about race or culture and can lead to words or actions. 


What is Urbanization?

Urbanization is when people move to cities for jobs to get money. Cities having jobs is a pull factor. Urbanization increases population density in the city but decreases it in the countryside.


What is globalization?

Globalization is different parts of the world connect and interact. It is how culture spreads from across the world. 


Define Land mass 

The size of a particular area of land (measured in square miles)


 how does pop culture affect globalization?

Food from a specific countries are becoming popular in other countries, people Listen to music from different countries, read literature from different countries, and much more. Popular culture spreads very fast and it is something that people can bond over from different areas in the world.  


Define stereotype 

A generalized statement about a certain group of people which may or may not be true. many times these see assumptions about peoples looks or culture. an example of this would be that evan Kim is smart simply because he is Asian. 


What are Push and pull factors?

push and pull factors are the reason why people move or migrate. If someone is “pushed” they are involuntary migrated but if they are “pulled“ they   voluntary migrated.


What are the benefits of globalization?

Culture spreads so We can enjoy things that originated from other countries Like different food, literature, or music. Countries work together more politically, medicine spreads, free trade agreements, and people can get jobs. All of these things help people deep down. When countries find peace politically, it helps the people find peace. Medicine can save peoples lives. People are able to  get ressources easier with free trade. People need jobs for money. Having all of these things causes a better standers of living. 


Define Life expectancy 

The age to which a newborn baby can expect to live (on average)


 how does travel or migration affect globalization?

As migration and tourism happens people are exposed to new cultures. the new cultures they are exposed to can change the way that they live their own life. People can experience assimilation to fit in with the culture that they are traveling to. 


Define discrimination 

To treat two or more different groups differently with unjust actions. 


What is Outsourcing? 

Factory’s are placed in places that are poorer so that it costs less to to make items because they can pay lower wages and there are less laws about protecting the workers safety. however outsourcing also brings in more jobs for poorer countries. 


What are some chalenges of globalization?

globalization can cause outsourcing, which one can argue that there are both positive and negetive affects from it. Some negative affects from it are poor working conditions and lower wages for the workers than what they deserve. People also fear cultural disruption. Cultural disruption is when people stop celebrating their culture and turn to Americanism. 


what is population density and how do you find it?

 the amount of people who live in a countr. Divide population by area. 


 How does the economy impact globalization?

The increase in movement of goods and services, technology, and investment across countries Helps with globalization and creates interdependence. Countries rely on eachother or the reacorse they need. Globalization and globalized trade work together to help eachother.


Define assimilation 

the process of a person adapting to a new culture. This can include language, food, fashion, or even behavior.  


What is a demographic?

demographics can have tons of different categories like gender, race, age, etc. And it relates to the structure of the population. 


What causes globalization? 

the four T’s travel, technology, trade, and transportation are all causes for globalization. As technology continues to grow we are able to use the internet and find out about new country’s easily. We also get to go on vacation as tourists and we get to see first hand other countries. As we trade resources with each other we get what we need to grow and develop And we also get interaction with other counties. As transportation is gets easier and faster, globalization happens. 


What is Per Capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and how do you find it?

It measures a country’s wealth. The value of all goods and services produced within a country in one year divided by population. 


how has politics affected globalization? Alliances? 

Countries work together to solve problems. Examples of this is the UN, or NATO. Countries form aliances together so that they can depend and rely on each other when they need help. 


Define ethnocentrism 

Judging other cultures by the standards of your own culture. This can make people feel superior to others And it can be caused by lack of perspective or being ignorant. 


What stops globalization from happening?

When countries decide to be independent and not trade, communicate, or anything else from the rest of the world, it hinders globalization. an example of this is North Korea. most of teh people outside North Korea have no idea what anything is like in there. We dont really know what their traditional foods, fashion, or music sounds like. 
