What animal will Uncle Globe be conserving?
What three things like most fish do Seahorses have?
Gills, fins, and a swim bladder
Do seahorses swim well?
In what plants can Seahorses be found?
Seagrass or algae
What two types of plants will you sometimes find Seahorses?
Sea grass and Algae
On page 10, what is the heading?
Unexpected Creatures
Which gender of seahorses holds the egg, fertilises it and gives birth to it?
How many years do seahorses live up to?
7 years
What sandy body of water can Seahorses be found?
How many kinds of seahorse are found along the South Coast?
EVERY TEAM: There are 5 subheadings. Name each one.
Ultimate Predator; Seahorses; Bright colors; Sea squirt; and Think.
Why do seahorses have to eat almost continuously?
They have no stomach
What are the two species of seahorse are found along the UK coast?
The Spiny seahorse and the short snouted seahorse.
What has been found off the Deven and Dorset coasts?
Colonies of seahorses
What kind of animal does the head of a seahorse look like?
A horse
How many captions and labels are there?
Three captions and one label.
Through which part do seahorses eat their food?
Plankton and shrimp
Up to how long do spiny seahorses grow?
17 centimeters
Which type of seahorse tends to be found in wider variety of habitats?
Short snouted seahorses
The seahorse and the kangaroo have what in common?
Their pouches
1) Shy creatures
2) Live in UK waters
3) Found in shallow water close to the seabed
4) Eat small marine animals
What part of the seahorse's body moves backwards and forwards at the same time but on their own?
A seahorse's eyes move independently
What kind of tail do seahorses have that allow them to wrap their tail around seaweed or seagrass to stop themselves from being washed away?
Prehensile tails
Why would spiny seahorses prefer living amongst sea grass or algae-covered rocks?
It can stay hidden there
What are the three things you will always find if you find seahorses?
Shrimp, plankton and shallow water