Forms of writing in which the writer makes a claim and supports that claim with reasons and evidence. (W1)
Argumentative texts
_______ in a text includes reasons given to support a writer’s claims. For example, a writer could include information on the price of school lunch or the number of students who do not want to buy it as reasons to support the claim that the school cafeteria is too expensive
The ________ is the end of a piece of writing. It should sum up the main purpose of the writing and provide an overall takeaway for the reader.
Concluding statement
An ______ is a single thing that happens to a character or that a character sees. For example, John caught the soccer ball is an event. It is a single thing that happened to the character John. (W3)
Describes concrete words and phrases in a way that allows the reader to experience the way things look, sound, smell, taste, or feel through imagination. G
Sensory language
The main statement of an argumentative text, which usually appears in the introduction. The ____ is the main point on which the writer will develop his or her work in order to convince readers. (W1)
For a claim to be effective, it must be supported with ______evidence and reasoning. _______ evidence and reasoning is supported by facts and is effective in persuading the audience to agree with the writer’s claim. (W1b)
a form of writing that informs the reader or explains something.
Informational/explanatory texts
The perspective a writer chooses to tell a story
Point Of View
Every story needs to have an end. The end can be anywhere the writer chooses to stop writing. The reader needs to feel like the story is over. Good writers create this feeling of ending with a _________.
Ideas and opinions set forth by the writer. For example, a writer could make the _____that the school cafeteria food is too expensive. In a well-developed argumentative essay, the writer should also recognize counterclaims. (W1)
The ways in which ideas are connected. Writing should use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the _____ between claims and reasons. (W1c)
What a piece of writing is about.
Writers use _____ to show the reader the exact words the characters are saying. It usually has quotation marks around it. Each time a new character speaks, a new paragraph begins.
The people who will be reading the piece of writing. Writers should keep their _____ in mind and adjust their ideas and vocabulary so that they can be best understood.
A reasonable argument that opposes or disagrees with another claim. It is supported by evidence and sound reasoning. Sometimes the writer of a persuasive text will include a ______ and the reasons it is weak or wrong in order to strengthen his or her own claim. (W1a)
Refers to the flow of sentences and paragraphs from one to another. Old and new information is tied together using transitions to help the reader understand how the ideas and concepts within the text are related to each other. (W1c, W2c)
A is a word, phrase, or clause that links one idea to the next. Writing should not jump from one idea to the next without transitions that guide the reader to the next idea. Examples include words and phrases such as another, for example, also, and because. (W2c)
The speed at which a story is told. It is influenced by the description of characters, settings, and thoughts or reflections; the use of sensory language; the number of telling details related; the length of sentences, paragraphs, and scenes.
Refers to presenting the words, works, or ideas of someone else as though they are one’s own and without providing attribution to the author. (W8)
Refers to the way in which a piece of writing is structured. In writing, the _______ helps present ideas and information more clearly
This used in formal writing, such as an essay, research paper, or formal letter. When writing in a formal style, the writer chooses language that matches the audience and purpose and avoids informal language.
Formal style
A real or imaginary story that may be about a situation, a single moment in time, or a series of related events and experiences. Experiences are what a character senses through his or her five senses or what a character thinks or feels.
The reader needs clues in a story to help them know how time is passing and how events are ordered. They link one idea to the next and help the reader understand how time is passing in the story.
Transitional words and phrases
Most informational or technical pieces require research and revision before they can be considered to be finished pieces. Even professional writers may struggle with their words. Drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading your writing are all essential parts of an effective _________.
Writing Process