What does GMAS stand for?
Georgia Milestones Assessment System
Are 4th graders tested using the GMAS?
What are assessments used to collect data besides GMAS?
What Content areas covered on the GMAS for 4th Grade?
What is the start date of GMAS?
April 30, 2024
Is the GMAS timed?
Yes, but it depends on what section on how long it is.
What are the scoring levels for GMAS?
Beginning (1), Developing (2), Proficient(3), or Distinguished (4).
What section of the GMAS are you taking on Tuesday?
ELA Section 1
What does RACE stand for?
R-restate, A-answer, C-cite, E-explain
Where will we all test?
In our HR class, just like we practice.
What is the last day of testing for 4th graders?
May 7, 2024.
Name something you should not doe before GMAS?
Stay up late, not eat dinner/breakfast, play video games all night, etc.
What is the purpose for taking GMAS.?
What is to measures how well 4th grade students have learned ELA and mathematics over the year.
What is the difference between a constructed response, extended constructed response, and extended writing response?
Constructed response- use RACE to answer Extended constructed response- One passage & Narrative essay Extended writing response- Two passages & essay based on a random prompt
What is probably the number one thing students should do before the GMAS?
A good night's sleep and/or eat a healthy breakfast.