Text Evidence
Central Lesson and Point of View
Character Traits
Figurative Language

(1)The feelings about the new house were mixed.  (2) Molly loved the swing set in the backyard.  (3) Andrew was nervous about the attic.  (4) Mother hated the kitchen.  (5) Father loved the garage. 

What sentence contains information about someone who is afraid?

A.  Sentence 2
B.  Sentence 3
C.  Sentence 4
D.  Sentence 5

B.Sentence 3

(3) Andrew was nervous about the attic.


Juan wanted to get an A in math.  He asked his teacher what he had to study. He paid attention in class. He studied every night.  He got an A!

What is the lesson, or theme, of this story?

A.  A boy likes math.
B.  Hard work pays off.
C.  A boy pays attention in class.
D.  Be kind to others.

B. Hard work pays off.


Joey was sad because he lost his baseball cap.

“You always lose everything,” said Anna.

“I’ll help you find it,” said Kim with a smile.

“You can borrow mine,” replied Ken.

What are character traits for Kim?

A.  Caring but grouchy
B.  Mean and jealous
C.  Caring and helpful
D.  Helpful and sad

C. Caring and helpful


Zira danced across the floor.  Her baby sister, Myra, admired her.  She imitated Zira, which made everyone laugh. 

What does “imitate” mean?

A.  To make fun of
B.  To copy
C.  To dance
D.  To laugh

B.  To copy


Lydia’s sister was an angel. 

What does this metaphor tell you about Lydia’s sister?

A.  She goes to church.
B.  She is very intelligent.
C.  She is well-behaved.  
D.  She is very happy.

C.  She is well-behaved.


1)The big race was on Saturday.  (2) Ben practiced for weeks. (3) Cindy arrived early.  (4) Ben crossed the finish line with a smile on his face.  (5) Cindy was so proud of her brother.

What sentence shows how Cindy feels?

A.  Sentence 2
B.  Sentence 3
C.  Sentence 4
D.  Sentence 5

D.Sentence 5

● (5) Cindy was so proud of her brother.


Tanya was new to the school.  She missed her old friends.  She was sad because she sat all alone.  Gina came over and introduced herself.  They quickly became friends.  Tanya felt much better.

What is the theme, or lesson, of this story?

A.  Be kind to others.
B.  A girl goes to a new school.
C.  Crime doesn’t pay.
D.  A girl feels better.

A.  Be kind to others.


George was looking for his favorite T-shirt.  He looked in his closet.  His brother, Bob, looked in the laundry room.  He sister, Shirley, laughed.  She hid the shirt under the couch.  George went to school without his favorite shirt.  He never found it.

What is the BEST character trait for Shirley?

 A.  Caring

B.  Happy

C.  Bored

D.  Sneaky

D. Sneaky


Zander couldn’t figure out how to open his front door.  He kept putting in the key, but it would not open.  Hermie found the solution when he realized that Zander was using the wrong key!

What does “solution” mean?

A.  Problem
B.  Answer
C.  Key
D.  Joke 

B.  Answer


“Have you seen Flora lately?” asked Gene.
“Yes!  She is as tall as a tree!” replied Angie.
“I know!  I hope she goes out for basketball,” replied Gene.

What does the simile tell you about Flora?

A.  She plays basketball.
B.  She is very tall.
C.  She likes trees.
D.  She is very nice.

B.  She is very tall.


(1)Mark baked cookies.  (2) He mixed the ingredients.  
(3) He forgot to add salt.  (4) He put them on a tray.  
(5) Then, he baked them in the oven.  (6) They were delicious!

What sentence shows Mark’s mistake? 

A.  Sentence 2
B.  Sentence 3
C.  Sentence 4
D.  Sentence 5

B.Sentence 3

● (3) He forgot to add salt.


(1) Tommy wants to be the team captain.  (2) Kim wants to be captain too.  (3) Alice is on the team.  (4) She thinks Pete would be a good choice.  (5) Who is going to get the job?

● What sentence shows Alice’s point of view?

A.  Sentence 1
B.  Sentence 2
C.  Sentence 3
D.  Sentence 4

D.Sentence 4

(4) She thinks Pete would be a good choice.


Jim is upset.  He can’t find his pack of gum.  He asked Tara about it, but she lied and said she didn’t know where it was.  Peter didn’t tell the truth either.  When he asked Juanita about it, she looked at the ground.  She said she couldn’t tell a lie. 

“It’s in Tom’s desk,” she said.
“Thanks,” said Jim with a smile.

What effect did Juanita’s character traits have on Jim?

A.  They made him upset.
B.  They made him confused.  
C.  They made him happy. 

D.  They made him concerned.

C.  They made him happy.


Jake practiced basketball every day.  Even though he practiced, he struggled to get the ball in the net.  Hopefully he will get better soon!

What does “struggle” mean?

A.  To try with little result
B.  To care about something
C.  To drop the ball
D.  To be concerned about something

A.  To try with little result


“Have you met Joe?” asked Ed.

“Yes.  I heard he’s a genius,” replied Nick.
“Maybe he can help me with my homework,” said Ed.

What does the metaphor tell you about Joe?

A.  He does his homework.
B.  He is very smart.  
C.  He is very sloppy.
D.  He is new to the school. 

B.  He is very smart.


(1) Holly cleaned up her room.  (2) She also set the table.  
(3) Finally, she put all the toys in the playroom away.  (4) Her mother gave her some money.  (5) She used it to buy an ice cream cone.

What sentence BEST shows what Holly wanted?

(5) She bought an ice cream cone.


The softball team wanted to have a party at the end of the season.  The coach supplied the drinks.  Jose and Henry brought pizza.  Andrea and Dorothy brought sandwiches.  Karen and Keith made the desserts.  The party was a success!

What is  the lesson of this story?

A.  Everyone should work together.
B.  Pizza is delicious.
C.  Don’t be jealous of others.
D.  Be a good friend.

A.  Everyone should work together.


Zeke was nervous about trying out for the basketball team.  His mother told him to practice.  His friend, Xavier, told him it might not be a good idea.  His sister, Amber, encouraged him to give it a try.  She said he could always try out again next year if he didn’t make it.  Zeke tried out for  the team.

What effect did Amber’s character traits have on Zeke?

A.  She made him angry at Xavier.
B.  She helped him succeed in the classroom.
C.  She made him thankful for his mother.
D.  She helped him make a decision.

D.  She helped him make a decision.


Brenda decided she did not want to go to the sleepover party at Anne’s house. Brenda’s mother was quite surprised.

“Are you certain?” asked her mother.

“Yes,” replied Brenda.

What is another word for “certain”?
A.  Crazy
B.  Tired
C.  Angry
D.  Sure

D.  Sure


“Go back up to your room and change,” ordered mom.

“Why?  I think this is a perfect dress to wear to the party,” said Olivia.

“You look like a clown,” replied mom.

What does the simile tell you about Olivia?

A. She is going to a party.
B. She looks bad.
C. She looks perfect.
D. She is sad.

B.  She looks bad.


(1) Jennifer made fun of her brother, Tim.  (2) He laughed.  (3) Jennifer ate the rest of the pizza.  (4) He became angry.  (5) Jennifer let Tim play her new game.  (6) He forgave her.

What sentence shows WHY Tim got upset?

(3) Jennifer ate the rest of the pizza.


Mrs. Marsh’s class wanted to throw a party at the end of the year.  Laura suggested a beach party theme.  Tom wanted a camping party.  Angie wanted to have an old-fashioned picnic.  Mrs. Marsh liked Tom’s idea the best.  Everyone had a great time!

What theme do you think Mrs. Marsh will use for the party?  Cite the proof. 

Mrs. Marsh will probably have a camping party.

Citing Evidence:

Tom suggested a camping party.
Mrs. Marsh liked that idea the best.


Maddox wanted to be good at baseball like his older brother, Jax.  So Jax taught Maddox how to hold a bat.  Then, he showed him how to hit.  Finally, he taught him how to catch and throw.  Jax was very proud at the progress Maddox made.

What effect did Jax have on Maddox?

A.  He helped make him a better athlete.
B.  He made him like basketball.
C.  He taught him how to steal a base.
D.  He made him want to collect baseball cards.

A.  He helped make him a better athlete.


What is an “advantage”?

A. A problem

B. A win

C. A benefit

D.  A task

C.  A benefit


Last night Jody slept like a log.

What does this simile tell you about the way Jody slept? 

She slept for a long time without waking up.
