With 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, Jesus fed this many followers.
What is 5,000?
The first book in the Old Testament.
What is Genesis?
Jesus had how many Disciples?
What is 12?
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on this animal.
What is a donkey?
Moses was carried in a basket to this river.
What is the Nile River?
God provided this while in the wilderness for the Israelites.
What is manna?
This is the last book of the New Testament.
What is Revelation?
The Gospels in the New Testament consists of how many books?
What is 4 (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)
Noah released this type of bird from the Ark that did not return.
What is a dove?
Solomon's Temple was built in this city.
What is Jerusalem?
What does bread represent in the Lord's Supper?
What is the body of Christ?
This man is credited with writing the first 5 books of the Bible.
Who is Moses?
How many humans were on Noah's Ark?
What is 8?
This animal was found in a thicket of thorns by Abraham.
What is a ram?
The Nation of Israel was exiled to this city.
What is Babylon?
The Promised Land was "flowing" with this.
What is Milk and Honey?
The Bible consists of how many total books?
What is 66?
Jacob had how many male children?
What is 12?
These creatures survived the flood but were not on the Ark.
What are sea creatures?
Mary and Joseph took Jesus to this country to avoid King Herod.
What is Egypt?
What special event was occurring during the Lord's Supper?
What is the Passover?
This is the shortest book in the bible.
What is Obadiah, it has 21 verses.
They marched around the city of Jerico these many times.
What is 6 plus 7?
God provided this type of bird for the Nation of Israel to eat while in the wilderness.
What is Quail?
Noah's Ark rests on this mountain range.
What is Ararat?