What does GMO stand for?
genetically modified organism
What does BTS stand for?
“Bangtan Sonyeonda”
Name a zombie movie that takes place in Korea?
Train to Busan
A cat that is annoyed and unhappy.
Grumpy Cat
organic food
GMOs can cause what illness?
This artist can moonwalk and sings Thriller
Michael Jackson
In Harry Potter, which actress plays Hermoine?
Emma Watson
Crying frog
True or false: organic foods are healthier than GMO foods?
Nutritional considerations
While consumers are very keyed into choosing foods that are labeled organic or non-GMO for health reasons, it is important to note that research does not support the idea that either organic or non-GMO foods provide greater nutritional value than conventionally produced food products
When did we start eating GMO foods?
How many Lord of the Rings movies are there?
What sign do you make when the pasta is just right?
Organic or natural foods do not have this
Name one of most planted GMO crops
potato (USA), squash/pumpkin (USA) alfalfa (USA), aubergine (Bangladesh), sugar beet (USA, Canada), papaya (USA and China), oilseed rape (4 countries), maize (corn) (17 countries), soya beans (11 countries) and cotton (15 countries).
Which artist sings the pop hit "Watermelon Sugar"?
Harry Styles
What is the first foreign film to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards?
What is the name of the gorilla in the gorilla meme? He died in a zoo in 2016.
True or false: Non-GMO foods is cheaper than GMO foods.
False. Organic foods are more expensive than GMO foods
What was the first GMO product in markets?
The first GMO food to reach the market was a tomato.
Name the British pop group that is famous for "Hey Jude"
The Beatles
What is the name of Han Solo's best friend?
Chewbakka or Chewy
What is the name of the meme with the cat with the big mouth that opens and closes?
Pop Cat
How much of the world's farmland is used for Non-GMO foods?
1.5 percent of farmland globally is organic