Genetically modified foods were first put on the market
two pros to GMO foods
tolerance for heat and cold resistance to insects and other reasons
what percent of the world is overweight or obese
about 38 percent
what is one of the three most genetically modified crops in the US
soybeans, cotton
how many acres since are being used for GMO crops
around 330 million
Food and agricultural organization and world health organization
if it were not for the genetically modified sweet potato in Kenya, how much could be lost from their crop
20-80 percent
what are two negative effect seen on amphibians whose water source was contaminated with roundup
embryonic death and birth defects
name 3 example of GMO animals
Sheep, dogs , fish, pigs, chickens, goats, mice
name the country that is accountable for about 2/3 of the GMO crops planted
United States
A nucleic acids containing the genetic instructions for development and function in living organisms; made genetic engineering possible
about 3 million pounds
negative side effect on plants from cross pollination could include ________.
What was the first GMO plant?
How many countries have planted GMO crops
what is the result of herbicide tolerance in soybeans
one weed killer
genetically modified foods are known to quickly _________ with other plants
cross pollinate
The brand name of the first GMO crop
Flavr Savr
Approximately how much processed foods found in US supermarkets have GMO ingredients
about 70 percent
what year was the non GMO label created
in 2007 what was the percentage of genetically modified crop production in the world
what percentage of US cattle are injected with growth hormones
about 95 percent
the state where the first GMO crops were produced and sold
Name 3 companies that use GMO ingredients in their products
Pepsi, Kraft, Kellogg, General Mills, Nestle, Campbell's or smuckers