What is Granada's mascot?
The Matador
How many students are in our class?
8 students.
Name something that is red.
Apple, fire hydrant, crab, cup, flower...
Peyton's presentation was on the African Wild Dog.
Name the student going to Arizona.
What are our school colors?
Purple, black, and white.
How many letters are in the alphabet?
26 letters.
Name an animal that is black and white.
Cow, zebra, panda, skunk, dog....
We see Mr. A for APE on Thursdays and Fridays.
Name the two students going to Hawaii.
Xavier and Zachary.
Where do we walk our laps every morning?
The Purple Circle.
How many days are in one week?
Name something that is orange.
Carrot, fish, tiger, pumpkin, basketball, cone...
School ends Friday, July 9th.
FALSE: Friday, June 9th.
Name the student going to Las Vegas.
Name all three peer mentors.
Quianna, Aaden, and Jacob.
How many months are in one year?
Name an animal that has stripes.
Zebra, skunk, tiger, Okapi, snakes...
FALSE: 6 boys and 2 girls.
Name the student who is going to summer school.
What's the name of our principal?
Dr. Pena
How many 8th graders are in our class and what are their names.
Isa, Michal, and Roman.
Name something that is purple.
Eggplant, ballon, flowers, chairs, GMS
We have PE during 2nd period.
FALSE: 3rd period
Name the student who's spending time with their baby sister.
Isa Pizza.