Lend a Hand
Where Is It?
How to Get Involved?

When your roommate is sick, lending a hand by doing this household task can show you care.

What is picking up groceries or medicine?


Quiet hours in dorms are often enforced to maintain this peaceful atmosphere, especially during study or sleep times.

What is respecting noise levels?


This newly renovated hall features suite-style living and is known for its close proximity to the Campus Commons.

What is Samuelson Hall?


This is the year the Good Neighbor Initiative (GNI) was established at TCU.

What is 2023?


Attending ___ is a great way to meet new friends, become involved on campus, and give back to the TCU/Fort Worth community. 

What are Community Gatherings?


During move-in day, offering this service to someone struggling with heavy boxes is a great way to make a good first impression.

What is helping them carry their belongings?


When using shared spaces like the kitchen or bathroom, this courteous habit is key to maintaining harmony.

What is cleaning up after yourself?


This residence hall is located steps away from the Brown-Lupton University Union and is ideal for students who want to be close to dining and events.

What is Moncrief Hall?


___ is the department that oversees the Good Neighbor Initiative at TCU. 

What is Housing & Residence Life? 


Ways to get the latest and most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

What is following @GNI.TCU on Instagram? 


Sharing this type of kitchen staple, especially when someone runs out, can show generosity and build connections.

What is sharing cooking ingredients or snacks?


If you're hosting friends in your room, it’s good etiquette to notify your roommate ahead of time to avoid this awkward situation.

What is creating conflict or disturbing their space?


Known for its suite-style rooms and modern amenities, this hall is located near the recreation center and KFCB, making it a popular choice for students who enjoy fitness.

What is Marion Hall?


GNI seeks to turn ___ into neighbors. 

What are strangers? 


This is a way to recognize TCU students who embody what it means to be a good neighbor

What is submitting the Neighborhood Watch form? 


If someone is struggling to understand a difficult assignment, offering this kind of assistance can help them succeed.

What is tutoring or explaining the material?


 Avoiding strong-smelling foods or scents in small spaces is part of being considerate in this type of housing environment.

What is being mindful of shared living quarters?


Featuring frequent social events and community-building activities, this residence hall is one of the most socially active on campus.

What is Sherley Hall?


The core pillars of GNI are best remembered by the acronym "L.E.A.P."

What is Leading, Empowering, Advocating, and Promoting Community? 


This is an opportunity through GNI to give back to the TCU and Fort Worth community. 

What are philanthropy/service projects? 


If a fellow student is feeling homesick, offering to hang out or invite them to join a group activity can help them adjust to campus life.

What is offering companionship or inviting them to social events?


When borrowing something from a roommate, this polite gesture ensures trust and avoids misunderstandings.

What is asking for permission first?


This recently built hall offers high-tech features and plenty of social spaces, catering to students looking for an upscale dorm experience.

What is Arnold Hall?


This Shreveport-based organization is known for its work in building caring communities through neighborly relationships. It inspired the creation of GNI which focuses on fostering connection and neighborly communities on campus.

What is Community Renewal? 


___ is an opportunity for students to become a "Certified Good Neighbor" on campus.

What is the Certificate Program? 
