Name the MSP report used to review collections on the loan
Name the MSP report that shows the GNMA cashbook
What business day is the last day of a GNMA monthly cycle
1st BD
What is the deadline for all Recons to be completed
25th Calendar Day
What MSP screen would you use to update the GNMA Cashbook
G1706 and GSFPDM
What does TOEPI stand for
Test of Expected Principal and Interest
What is the root cause of exceptions LIQ153 and LIQ202
Loan that was repurchased and modified in the same cycle
What is the name of the GNMA report that we use and attach a screenshot of on all Recon back ups
What report do we use to review GNMA drop and advance dates calendared in MSP
Name the MSP report that shows data from the GNM3 screen
T343 or T34N
What report is used to calculate our Test of Cash outages
What stored procedure report is used to generate a script of updates from the Exceptions Module
What does DIT stand for
Days in transit
What is the deadline for all missing GNMA loans to be reported during cutoff (time and BD)
7pm EST BD 2
Name the MSP report that shows the data that was reported to GNMA at cutoff on the loan level
Fill in the blanks of the Test of Cash formula for loan level outages
Prev TOEPI __ Current TOEPI __ Collections __ Remittance = Difference
Prev TOEPI - Current TOEPI + Collections - Remittance = Difference
What stored procedure report is used to generate a script of updates to the pool deficiency
If you make updates in the Test of Cash Module and need the updates to reflect in the Account Reconciliation Module, how do you refresh the module
TOC Updates = Yes and Save
What is the deadline for all corrections to be made to the GNM1 screen in MSP (time and BD)
What day is the GNMA Final Pre Collections Report available
Business Day 6
When you have an outage caused by a loan that was repurchased and modified in the same cycle, is that outage non-monetary, adjusted, or monetary
What are 2 of the main causes of an RFS204 exception
1. A manual repurchased loan
2. A loan that was not boarded timely
3. A loan that was not transferred into the GNMA ID
PI account reconciliation is a 4 way recon, what 4 things are we comparing
1. Cashbook
2. Test of Expected P&I
3. Bank Balance
4. 11710D
What is the deadline for T646 Shortage funding to be submitted
15th BD