people can use it to dry their hair
a hairdryer
traslate the following sentence into english
Кейт играла на пианино с 5 до 7 вечера вчера
Kate was playing the piano from 5 till 7 pm yesterday
translate into english the following sentence
когда Арам играл в приставку, пришtk Ник.
When Aram was playing the games console, Nick came.
translate into english the following word
remote contol
people can use it to make the food warm
a microwave
translate the following sentenсe into english:
Алиса и Викки ходили по магазинам вчера весь день
Alice and Vicky were going shopping the whole day yesterday.
translate into english the following sentence
Когда Викки и Виктория смотрели кино, позвонила Кейт
When Vicky and Victoria were watching a film, Kate rang.
translate into english the following sentence
мы не играли в игровую приставку весь вечер
we were not playing the games console the whole evening
people can use it to play games or watch videos, read e-books. they can even take it everywhere, because it is not big
a tablet
transkate the following sentence into english:
Арам и Ник не готовили вчера пиццу в 7 вечера
Aram and Nick were not cooking pizza at 7 pm yesterday
translate into english the following sentence
Пока Элис и Кейт повторяли правила , Арам и Ник упали.
While Alice and Kate were revising the rules, Aram and Nick fell down.
translate into english the following sentence
когда мальчики сидели в интернете, их ноутбук сломался
when boys were surfing in the Internet, their laptops crashed
before the electric technology starts working we need to do what?
plug in and turn on
Виктория и Арам гуляли вчера в 5 вечера? - Да.
Were Victoria and Aram walking at 5 pm yesterday? - Yes, they were.
translate into english the following sentence
Что делали Виктория и Викки, когда позвонил Ник?
What were Victoria and Vicky doing when Nick rang?
translate into english the following sentence
- вчера мама и папа купили мне новый компьютер!
- везет тебе!
- yesterday ma mum and dad bought me a new computer!
- lucky you!
after we finish using the electric technology we need to do what?
turn off and unplug
Ник, Элис, Кейт и Викки повторяли вчера английский весь день? ну кооооонечно........НЕТ!!!
were Nick, Alice, Kate and Vicky revising the english the whole day yesterday?
Of course NOT!
translate into english the following sentence
Виктория, Викки, Элис, Кейт, Арам и Ник (усердно) повторяли материал по 4 юниту, когда пришла Кристина.
Victoria, Vicky, Alice, Kate, Aram and Nick were revising (hard) all the materials for unit 4, when Kristina came.
translate into english the following sentence
я умею скачивать песни на свой мобильник (американ.вариант)
i can download the songs to my cell phone