What is geriatrics
What number of people make up the IDT per policy?
What is 11?
Name the 3 types of disenrollment
What is death, voluntary, involuntary?
Orlando IDT held at this time
What is 8:30am?
When was PACE first discovered?
What is 1990?
Process if IDT was not informed a participant has left the PACE area to visit family for more than 28 days
What is the process for disenrollment begins
Name the IDT members that are part of the pre-enrollment process
4 meal standards with every meal served
What is safe, good quality, appetizing and nutritional?
Time frame for disenrollment note
What is 72 business hours
What are the 3 languages highly spoken in our catchmen area?
English, Spanish, Creole
T/F: Potential participants must sign a release form to view family financial records
What is false
T/F: The role of transportation staff are not direct care workers and do not contribute to IDT
Departments that do not always need an order from PCP to provide treatment participants
What is OT, PT, RD?
Who is part of the weekly wound care meeting?
What is clinic RN, IHS RN, PT, and RD?
Where do you document a fall?
What is Beacon and Epic?
If a participant only has Medicaid, do they have cost for Medicare?
What is yes?
IDT members required to sit in on partner meetings
What is MSW, Therapy (PT and/or OT), ADHC/CNA, Clinic (RN, LPN)
Participant request a service or an item, the next (2) steps is
What is the IDT member that complete the request
What is it is IDT member completes SDR template on Epic and brought to the IDT for discussion
The button one clicks to open care plan on participant summary chart
Records from facility
Whats is MARS and TARS?
T/F: On enrollment, Innovage assigns an advisory committee per participant
What is false?
True or False: The 8 IDT are not responsible for in person assessment
Time frame for complete details to be documented for grievance for it to be resolved
what is 30 days?
Safe words to chart to not imply service request determination
What is states, reports, describes, informs, expresses concern?
What is 8?