In 5 year old spy, what mask does Finn wear?
A Wolverine mask.
How many Gorillas are in the movie?
What happens when a clue is discovered?
A ringing sound is played
How do the boys get to John’s house and the creepy house?
By biking
In Valentines News, what is the weather report?
A chance of raining hearts
In The Story With Princess’s 2, which Disney character has an appearance?
Mickey Mouse
This sucks, it doesn’t even give you _______.
In chapter 1, what distracts Connor from the door slamming behind him?
A orange cube man
How do they find out John is in the old house?
They track his watch
In Valentines News, What song do the penguins dance to for the kicker?
Don’t go breaking my heart
In Ghostbusters, what is one of the ghosts that have an appearance?
Grim Reaper Pumpkin or Skeleton Dog
After the Red Bull guy died, how many days later did Henry and Trey get introduced?
2 days later
In chapter 4, who accidentally hits the button which has the garage close?
Where did Benny hide everyone?
A closet
In Valentines News 2, what does Trey surprisingly dance to at the end?
Canned Heat (Napoleon Dynamite)
In Go Trey’s First Horror Movie, what drink does the kid drink?
What is the name of The Scientists gorilla?
In chapter 3, what is the name of the girl that tells everyone to spell an E with knives?
What were the two people that took down Benny?
John (Trey) and Will (Clinton)
In Valentines News 2, what song is played for the sport report?
World Cup
In Reindeer Shorts, how many shorts are there?
How does the The Scientist pay the Uber driver?
In chapter 1, what book unlocks the next room?
Charlotte’s Web
How many people are kidnapped?
What is the name of the basketball player on the sport report?
Finn Valentine