It gives you __________
Pay off bills, buy a home, invest, pay off fines, etc
A goal is not very useful if there is no realistic or possible way to attain it
A- Achievable
Making my bed daily is an example of what?
Short term goal
The more people who know about it can help with some positive external motivation. For example, if you are trying to lose weight, consider telling some of your coworkers and family. Having eyes on you can be positive peer pressure.
Go public
Better ________ management
Get a job doing ___, Re-enroll in school, quit my current job and get a job I like, etc.
If a goal does not have an end point it probably won’t be achieved
T- Time bound
I will begin learning and using my coping skills
Depends- Short term or long term goal
Every effort matters. The key is to steadily increase over time. For example, if you exercised for 10 minutes, after a few days try 15. Keep moving forward and upward and don’t give up.
If you can't do a lot- do a little.
Enhances ________-___________ abilities
Alleviate depressive symptoms, learn to manage anger and stress, go to therapy, learn to cope with/manage ____ (feeling/situation)
The goal should answer the “W” questions: Who, What, When, Where, Why – In detail
S- Specific
Going back to school and opening your own business after is an example of what?
Long term goal
It is good to make your goals real by imagining what it will be like to be where you want to be. For example, if substance use is what you are working on visualize a life where you have more money, less stress, no more legal problems, positive relationships, etc
Visualize the reward
You control your __________
Get new sober friends, cut of ties with ___, Improve relationship with kids, parents, etc.
Relationship – SOCIAL and FAMILY
The goal should make sense and be both reasonable and worthwhile
R- Relevant
Timeframe of a long-term goal
3-5 years or longer
“I had not had a drink in two months until last night I messed up and had a few too many. Might as well just start drinking again”
"Might as well" Phenomenon
It gives you ___________ _____ __________
Peace of mind
Learn, study, understand more about deeper things besides day to day events and issues. Expand your focus beyond just what concerns you immediately
Goals need to be stated in units that you can specifically measure
M- Measurable
Timeframe of a short-term goal
3 months to a few years
Whatever you believe, try to connect your goals to a sense of deeper meaning in your life. Consider how your goals fit into the “big picture” in your life’s long-term journey. This can help inspire and motivate.
Keep a “Spiritual” or Meaningful Focus