T. rex and Velociraptor share this bone in common with turkeys.
What is the wishbone?
This was not served at the first Thanksgiving.
What is turkey?
This tuber is grown in all 50 states of the US and 125 countries throughout the world.
What is potato?
The oldest child of this TV family has a name that is an anagram of BRAT.
Who are the Simpsons?
Instead of pumpkins, the Irish used to carve these.
What are beets/turnips/potatoes?
The answer is yes! Up to 400 meters at bursts of up to 50 mph.
Can/do turkeys fly?
What gift did Europeans bring to the Wampanoag?
What is an epidemic of diseases?
The first "modern" recipe for this Thanksgiving staple was published in 1796 in American Cookery by Amelia Simmons.
This TV family appears to be the first to have used Zoom.
Who are the Brady Bunch?
The Thanksgiving season has 2 names: autumn and fall. In the 12th and 13th centuries, this was a third name for the season.
What is "harvest"?
Turkey gizzards are filled with these.
What are rocks/stones/pebbles?
The first Thanksgiving lasted this many days.
What is three?
Each year, this hotline's experts take over 100,000 calls about turkey preparation during November and December.
What is the Butterball Turkey Hotline?
Bachelor Bill Davis takes in his late brother's three kids, Cissy, Buffy, and Jody in this classic TV series.
What is Family Affair?
In Greek mythology, fall began when this daughter of Demeter was kidnapped by Hades.
Who is Persephone?
This cluster of bristle-like mesofiloplumes growing out of the chests of tom turkeys grow continuously and can reach lengths of 10 inches.
What is a beard?
What is separatists?
This amino acid in turkey is what our bodies use to make serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes us sleepy.
What is tryptophan?
This Netflix original series features a family who must relocate to a motel when they lose all their money after being defrauded by their business manager.
What is Schitt's Creek?
The amount of this substance in leaves determines the color they will be once their chlorophyll has broken down when days are shorter and temps are colder.
What is sugar?
This fleshy protuberance above a turkey's bill that may also hang down over the bill can vary dramatically in size, shape, and color, and can tell one a lot a lot about a turkey's mood and behavior.
What is a snood?
The first Thanksgiving was not a celebration. In reality, it was most likely this type of occasion.
What is a wake?
It takes 16 months to grow this familiar Thanksgiving Day food.
What is cranberries?
The first names of the family on this Fox network TV show are Peter, Lois, Chris, Meg, Stewie, and Brian.
What is Family Guy?
It takes this many apples to make a gallon of apple cider.
What is 20 pounds?